Review for Finding Familiars: A Familiar Finders Society Book + Field Guide
I received these two books from the author in exchange of an honest review.
A few months ago I got the request from the author if I wanted to read this book + one or two of the accompanying books. Of course, I would love to. points to the cover That just looks too much fun to pass, right?
In this book we are finding out all about the Familiar Finders Society. This society seeks out and observes magical creatures. There are people called Finders, often witches, but it seems that even you and I can be Finders! Just use your imagination. Open your eyes. Go outside and see if you can find your familiar. In this book we follow a little witch girl and her familiar, a fox, as we are told what Finders are and what they do. About their journal. About observation and all the wonderful things you can see around you. And how your familiar can be very close to you. Sometimes it is your pet (really, I would love it if my hammies were my familiars, though given that they live not that long… mm). I really loved following our little girl on a day of adventure and observation. See what she sees, see her write it all down + activate her imagination. And the book ends positively as well, with another reminder that you should just let your imagination run free. Use the journal. Go outside. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just have fun. Just observe!
I loved the oath + the polaroids, I love seeing the two of them have the greatest time. She really got the best familiar!
The illustrations were just so much fun. Leo Assis really did a terrific job and I love the style. The animals (and then especially that cute fox familiar) are adorable and fun. The style is very playful and colourful!
As the review also states, I am also reviewing the Field Journal that accompanies this book. Yes, this author went full out. Not just a fun picture book full of magic, but also a fun Field Journal so you can write down your own magical animals. I added a photograph of a page so you can see what it is all about. You got room to write all about your animal, about how you are feeling, about true names and real name. About how they look physically and magical. I also had fun describing my favourite animal, a bunny, normally white, but now full rainbow with some cute antlers and tiny wings and each time it hops tiny stars appear around them. Their element is Air, their favourite weather is Sunny, they prefer carrot and hop magic. I haven’t drawn the animal, haha, maybe one day. For now it is all in my head, and well, the words are on the page. I cannot wait to discover/observe more animals and create a magical form + additional information. It was just tons of fun! The Journal comes in various colours, I picked the yellow one!
Plus, if you are really having fun with this book + Field Journal, there are also other items. Like an ABC book, a colouring book, and a sketchbook. I haven’t tried those out, but I do want to buy the colouring book myself soon.
All in all, if you are looking for a fun book about looking at the world a bit differently and filled with magic + it has some extra bonus books, be sure to check out this one! I think it would definitely be a fun package of books to give to kids (and adults) if they love books about magic, imagination, and animals. I would highly recommend this one.