Top 10 Books November 2022

Top 10 Books November 2022

Hey hey all!

Top 10, November, Books, Graphic Novel, Fantasy, Children's Books

November has almost left the building (waves and also wonders what happened to November to pass by so quickly) and so here I am with a new Top 10 post! Here are my 10 favourites of this month!

November… well not much to say about it. My health was OK-ish, just supertired. The quest for a doggo continues (we saw 2 but apparently instead of caring if the peeps are right you need to be the very first to contact them, a bit like getting concert tickets). I baked a ton of yummy foods. Put some flower stuff in the ground and I cannot wait for spring when they pop out of the ground. We turned up the heat because DANG November is here and it is definitely throwing some ice blocks at us. BRRRR! The house is slowly getting decorated for Christmas which is a delight, especially given that the upcoming week marks it 1 year since my Grandfather and one of my hammies died. I could use distraction in the form of twinkling lights and shiny objects. Reading-wise also a very good week, had tons of fun reading so many books.

This month I had TWO 5+ starred books and EIGHTHEEN 5 starred books.

Disclaimer: The order of this list is random. The 5+ stars (if I have any) will always be on top, but that is the only non-randomness about the list.

There’s A Ghost In This House Oliver Jeffers, Picture Book, Creative, Ghosts, Children's Books, Picture Book
Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree , Fantasy, LGBT, Romance, Magic
Sirius: Twin Stars Ana C. Sánchez, Graphic Novel, Manga-style, Heart problems, Abuse, Tennis, LGBT, Romance, Stars, Gorgeous, Family, Blue, Girls, Water, Sea
The Wright Detective #3 A Haunting in Greeneville Kelly Swan Taylor, Mystery, Romance, Sports, Halloween, House, Costumes, Children/MG, Young Adult
Review to come Feb/March
Alice and the Nightmare, Vol. 1 Michelle Krivanek , Isabelle Melançon, Alice in Wonderland, Retelling, Magic, Fantasy, Suits, Girl, Red, Dreams, Jabberwocky, Awesome, Graphic Novel
Zeus is a Dick Susie Donkin, Mythology, Non-Fiction, Funny, Myths, Statue, Pimped Statue
Snarlbear, Vol. 1 Natalie Riess, Fantasy, Graphic Novel, Monsters, Girl, Cape, Kick-ass, Unicorn, Quests
Finding Familiars: A Familiar Finders Society Book Tim Devine, Leo Assis, Picture Book, Cute, Magic, Fantasy, Animals,
Santa's Countdown to Christmas: 24 Days of Stories Kim Thompson, Children's Book, Picture Book, Illustrations, Fun, Christmas, Holidays, Santa, Magic, Short Stories, Advent, elves, Calendar, Festive
Review to come Feb/March
The Secret Life of an Uncool Mom by Serena Terry, Parenting, Washing machine, clothes, chaos, funny, non-fiction

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