Top 10 Books October 2022

Top 10 Books October 2022

Good afternoon all!

Top 10 books, october, road atlas, horror, true crime, mystery, erotica, manga, cat, graphic novel

Welcome all! Welcome to a new Top 10 post! October apparently has left the building and so here I am with my Top 10 books of that month!

October was a bit hit/miss with my health again (plus, a “fun” allergy reaction), but in better things, the month was delightfully spooky, I baked tons of yummy new foods with plenty of cinnamon (and got plans for much more), I did some gardening to make sure the plants are OK for when (or actually if) the cold settles in, I visited libraries, I read spoooooky books and saw spooooky movies and series, I started searching for a dog (and sadly none found so far, well, OK, one but she is too far away), drank autumn/fall beers with friends, my mind and body were confused by the warm temperatures (me wearing all the sweaters and suddenly having to grab summer clothes again). And there is plenty more! All in all, even with the health being as it is, I am still very happy with this month. I am sad though that it just flew by. Like, POOF.

This month I had ONE 5+ starred books and SEVENTEEN 5 starred books.

Disclaimer: The order of this list is random. The 5+ stars (if I have any) will always be on top, but that is the only non-randomness about the list.

A Haunted Road Atlas: Sinister Stops and Dangerous Destinations, and True Crime Tales by Christine Schiefer, Em Schulz, NOn-Fiction, Roadtrip, Drinks, Fun, Horror, Scary, Crime, True Crime, Ouija
Monsters You Should Know by Emma SanCartier, Monsters, Non-Fiction, Children's Books
Demon in the Wood (Grishaverse #0) by Leigh Bardugo, Dani Pendergast, Kyla Vanderklugt, Boy, Darkness, Grisha, Grishaverse, Darkling, Graphic Novel, Young Adult, Fantasy, Magic
De bloedzomer van 1997 Danielle Bakhuis, Young Adult, Murder, Girl, Scared, Blood, Halloween, Illustrations, Urban Legends
Aberrant Tendencies Moonlore, Erotica, Short Stories, Anthology, Graphic Novel, Monsters, Sexy, steamy
Chainsaw Man, Vol. 1 (チェンソーマン [Chensō Man] #1) by Tatsuki Fujimoto, Gore, Action, Demons, Devils, Fights, Manga,
Italianen kunnen niks Bert Visscher, Non-Fiction, Italy, Humour,
Beasts and Beauty: Dangerous Tales, Children's Books, Fantasy, Retellings, Short Stories, Wolf, Girl, Red Riding Hood, Cover Love, Soman Chainani, Julia Iredale
A Man and His Cat, Vol. 1 Umi Sakurai, Slice of Life, Manga, Cat, Man, Dual POV, Cute, Heartwarming, Yellow
History's BIGGEST Show-offs by Andy Seed, Sam Caldwell, Humour, History, Non-Fiction, Illustrations, Fun, Artists, Musicians, Children's Books

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