Top Ten Tuesday #10: 20-12-2022: Books I Hope Santa Brings This Year

Top Ten Tuesday #10: 20-12-2022: Books I Hope Santa Brings This Year

Evening all!!

Top Ten Tuesday, Pink, Cute, Hearts

Welcome to a Christmassy, please Santa bring me, Top 10 post! Today books I would LOVE to get during Christmas.

Not that Santa will be seeing this post, haha, all the presents are in the house + ordering from Amazon now? Probably means after Christmas. XD But here are the books I would love to find under the tree on Christmas days (either the first or the second day).


What is TTT?

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Each week on Tuesday there is a topic and it is up to the bloggers to find books that fit that topic! It can be 10 books, but you can also do less. You may even do your own spin to it to make it more unique or to have it work better for yourself.

The United States of Cryptids: A Tour of American Myths and Monsters by J.W. Ocker, Cryptids, Non-Fiction, Fun, Folklore, Paranormal, Green, Hands, Claws, Green
My Parents Won't Stop Talking! by Emma Hunsinger, Tillie Walden, Picture Book, Family, Parenting, LGBT, Humour
The Backstagers and the Theater of the Ancients Andy Mientus , Rian Sygh , Illustrations, Young Adult, Children's Book, Magic, Theatre, Fun
Discworld Companion Books The Ankh-Morpork Archives, Volume II Terry Pratchett , Stephen Briggs , Paul Kidby
The Sh!te Before Christmas Serena Terry, Parenting, Christmas, Pink, Woman, Wine, Family, Humour
Second Banana Blair Thornburgh , Kate Berube
Arakawa Under the Bridge: Omnibus, Vol. 2 Hikaru Nakamura
Lightfall: The Girl & the Galdurian (Lightfall #1) by Tim Probert, Graphic Novel, Fantasy, Children's Books, Magic, Wizards, Adventure
Gross FACTopia!: Follow the Trail of 400 Foul Facts [Britannica] Paige Towler , Andy Smith, Non-Fiction, Humour, Gross, Children's Books, Yellow, Green, Pink
Wow in the World: Wow in the Wild: The Amazing World of Animals by Mindy Thomas, Guy Raz, Jack Teagle, Green, Science, Animals, Humour, Children's Books

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