The Grinch Book Tag

The Grinch Book Tag

Hey all~

Guruguru, GIF, Red-hair, staff, book

Welcome to The Grinch Book Tag! Originally meant for the holidays, but well, my December was just all stocked up! Haha. Full to the brim with everything~

So here we are! Because haha, this tag? I definitely need to do this one, it sounds hilarious and I love being a bit of a Grinch. Sometimes you got to let out some darkness. XD

I got tagged by the lovely Book Princess Reviews, thank you so much! The original creator of the tag is Thought on Tomes~

Half the Lights on the Christmas Tree are Burnt Out
// name a book/series/character that started out good but then went downhill \\
The Selection, Young Adult, Romance, Dresses, Gorgeous
The Selection. The first 3 books are good (well, we don’t talk about book 2), but then we got a new MC in book 4 and 5 and *flips table*

Annoying Great Aunt Sally Who Will Not Leave You Alone
// name a book you didn’t enjoy, but everyone else seems to love so it never goes away \\

Anything by Taylor Jenkins Reid, I tried. I really did. But I just couldn’t get into any of them. And on that note, also the second book in the Hunger Games. Several books by Marissa Meyer (I loved her first series but after that never got into the new series she keeps writing (like the above Gilded, but also Renegades) and I keep seeing them everywhere!!).

Your Pets Keep Knocking Over the Christmas Decorations
// name a character that kept messing things up for everyone else \\

Mmm, I have no clue actually. I can vaguely remember one, but I just cannot think of their name. If I ever figure it out I will Quote Tweet this post on Twitter to let you all know.

You Can Hear Your Parents Putting out the Presents and Learn Santa isn’t Real
// name a book you were spoiled for \\

Phew, I don’t know. I am sure I have had books that got spoiled, but I just don’t know. I tend to avoid reading reviews until I read a book I am interested in, and my Twitter is so chaotic I don’t always get to see BookTwitter tweets. Ask me about movies or shows though, LORD, I got spoiled on so many things. Owl House (still can’t watch that here), Code Geass (thanks peeps on an anime chat), Big Hero 6.

It’s Freezing Outside
// name a main character you just couldn’t connect with \\
The Furies, Katie Lowe, Orange cover, Young Adult, Murder
Oh, let me think about that one. Haha, I have had quite a few of these, but finding them again is hard. Ah, but I found one. A book I didn’t enjoy but that had a pretty good MC, Violet. Well, until she got into a group of girls and turned totally spineless and did things she would never have done before everything. She just frustrated me, and I was just so sad that she fell for peer pressure and such.

Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas” and it’s Giving You Anti-Romantic Feelings
// name a couple you couldn’t stand \\
Dickens Holly Hill Inn Books #1 Christmas In July: Clean Small Town Holiday Romance Lucinda Race , Maddie James, Romance, Fame, Festival
From a recent book, a Christmas novella, we have Chase x Jessica and sorry they just didn’t work out. They just annoyed me and the romance came out of nowhere. They had, for me at least, zero attraction. Chase and Jessica were both annoying.

That Scratchy Homemade Wool Sweater You Got for Christmas Years Ago but Won’t Get Rid of
// show some books that have been sitting on your shelves for a while \\

That is a hard one. I tend to get through my TBR in a good pace. And while I do have 5 books I still need to read that I have had for a while, but I am not even sure if I will ever read 4 of them, currently thinking of putting them on the stack that goes bye bye. But I guess I could show you that one book that has been on my TBR for about a year I think? And that I want to read.. one day. XD

Grandma Got Runover by a Reindeer
// name a character death you are still mad about \\
Rainbow Grey: Eye of the Storm, Adventure, Magic, Powers, Weather, Children's Book, Rainbow, Friendship, Children's Books, Laura Ellen Anderson, Clouds
This character’s death was just out of nowhere, it made me mad and made me cry. Especially since I really started to like this character A LOT.

The Malls are Overly Crowded with Holiday Shoppers
// name a series that has too many books in it/went on too long \\
Sookie Stackhouse, Charlaine Harris, Vampires, Mystery, Romance
I really loved the first books, but then I just.. I don’t know, forgot all about it, it just went on too long.

The Grinch
// name a main character you HATE \\

The Magicians, Lev Grossman,
Quentin. Always Quentin. Still want to fucking magic him away.


And that is it! This was oodles of fun to do. I thought it may be harder, I mean, some of these prompts instantly brought me an answer, but some I had to think about. But in the end it wasn’t that hard. It was actually quite fun. So thank you to Book Princess Reviews, I am so glad I got to do this tag. I will be tagging everyone who wants to do this one as I have no clue who has done this one and who doesn’t want to be tagged. Let me know if you do this one though, I am so curious about everyone’s answers~

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