Top Ten Tuesday #11: 17-1-2023: Bookish Goals for 2023
Good evening!
Welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! This time bookish goals for 2023, well, and a couple of blog goals.
I am normally not really the kind of girl who makes goals or resolutions for reading, but I just couldn’t resist to try it out. And when I started to think of things, suddenly I had some goals in my mind that I quite liked! It is not 10 goals, but I got to 8 and I think that is a pretty nice number~
What is TTT?
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
Each week on Tuesday there is a topic and it is up to the bloggers to find books that fit that topic! It can be 10 books, but you can also do less. You may even do your own spin to it to make it more unique or to have it work better for yourself.

I am the kind of girl who will read everything. From children’s books to smutty adult books. Non-fiction. Crime. Zombies. Everything that looks fun? I will read it. Some people think that picture books, graphic novels, and the likes don’t count. Or say that I should read my age. Heck nah. But yeah, the comments at times do get to me.2. Stop caring about what people think about how much I read (let’s see if this year I can do that, because each year it is stressful).
I read pretty fast and a lot each year. And um, I am getting tired of comments. Each year I get them. Or I see tweets how slow reading is AWESOME and OMG fast reading doesn’t count because people don’t absorb the book and just do it for bragging rights/people don’t have freaking life. Well, um, no. I also have a life with many other things. I just read because I love it. I read because I can escape, to find happiness and joy, to learn something.
3. You don’t need to write a review for each and every book, Mehsi. Really, you don’t.
I have been trying this for years, and while I am going the right way, I still feel at times that I should review. Like many sentences. This year I just want to do more one word or one sentence reviews.
4. Read these two books (Dark Lullaby by Polly Ho-Yen + The Undertaking of Hart & Mercy by Megan Bannen), or at least try.
I got Dark Lullaby in 2021 and won The Undertaking of Hart & Mercy on Twitter in 2022, and haven’t been able to read them! And I haven’t been in the mood to read them AT ALL. For reals. I did try ….. but I just couldn’t get into it and DNF it for the moment. This year though, I really want to get to them!
5. Check out more volumes 2 and further in manga.
I often read a lot of first volumes and then totally forget to read the rest. So this year I want to go through my manga list and see what manga I got that I haven’t gone further than the first volume.
6. Get back to zombie books more~
Since 2020 I have had a hard time with zombie books. *cough cough COVID* I mean a real life pandemic doesn’t make it easy to read a zombie book… about pandemic gone wrong with zombies. I have been reading some zombie books again, but it is so hard at times. It just hits me harder now that one has experienced such a scary wide-spread sickness. See the world stop. See people get sick. Thankfully, no zombies, but I hope you get why reading zombie books with pandemics and all that just wasn’t on the menu for me. But I really want to go back, because I just loved zombie books so much.
6. Be more relaxed about blogging.
In the beginning when I started I was pretty OK with just doing one post each day, maybe two. But now I just feel like I have to have 2 posts up + an evening post. And I kind of want to see if I can just get it more relaxed for me. So far, not doing well. But I want to give it a shot!
7. I would like to find some more book tags to do this year.
I just see so many fun book tags and I want to do them.. but then forget all about them.. So this year. This year, I want to go through the archives and just pick a few I want to do.
8. Stress less about blog stats.
I am quite proud of my blog, but I still stress about my stats. Especially when you see other bloggers who just started getting SO MANY MORE views, likes, and everything. I have been doing this blog for almost 9 years now, and it feels like I am just doing it all wrong at times. But this year I want to try harder to just say F to the views. Be proud of what I write and say that it is good enough!
3 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #11: 17-1-2023: Bookish Goals for 2023”
Have to say I agree with the comments about fast reading. It does my head in and I’m not a massively fast reader.
I so agree with number one on your list. It’s what I’m trying to do this year as well. And so far I’ve only had 5 and 4 star reads so it’s working??! 😀
Yay! I am happy to hear that! Hopefully your whole year is a fun one~ Do you also have the feeling of freedom? At least I had when I started to just not care about what people said and just read what I enjoyed. It felt so freeing.