Friday Favourites #8: 17-2-2023: Bisexual Characters
Good evening~
A happy welcome to a new Friday Favourites! This time, and in theme for Valentine’s Day/Week, Bisexual Characters.
Officially, the theme was Book Boyfriends/Girlfriends, and while I got some from years ago, I don’t really do book boyfriends/girlfriends anymore. I used to have book boy/girlfriends before I met my now hubby and I used to in the earlier phases of our relationship, but the last few years, not really. It just feels weird. 🙈
So, I decided to check through the list of themes to find something fitting for this week and saw a prompt about Bisexual Characters. I am bi myself, so this was just a perfect prompt for me! I just adore it when we get a good rep in books. One without the whole prejudices (like that we are just not able to choose, that it is just a phase, that bisexual people don’t actually exist, and others). I had a few books on my mind, but was curious if I could find more books that I had read (and loved) that featured bisexual characters. Haha, I am sorry, but I just cannot remember every book. My mind sometimes holds random facts and often knows it if I read a book already, but my ADHD just likes to throw a wrench in the progress. XD So, I had to scroll through some lists, thankfully there are plenty from Goodreads to blogs.
Oh, one book (Flip the Script) is not yet read by me, but I got the book at home (thanks to my hubby for giving it as a birthday present) so I will be reading it soon~
Plus, I really need to check those lists again because I can always use more recommendations to read~
What is Friday Favourites/Favorites? Each week you get a prompt and you can select a number of your own favourite books that fits that prompt. There doesn’t seem to be a limit on the books, I see people doing 4 and some doing 10 or more. As for me I think 7 is a nice number, so for each of the Friday Favourite prompts I will show you 7 of my favourites in that genre!
If you want more information + see the prompts, check out Functionally Fictional’s intro post!





