Review for Harley Quinn: The Animated Series, Vol. 1: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour

Review for Harley Quinn: The Animated Series, Vol. 1: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour

Harley Quinn: The Animated Series, Vol. 1: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour Tee Franklin , Max Sarin My first read of 2023 and it was just pure fun and chaos!

I have had my eyes on this book for ages and a big big thank you to my sweet Santa for giving me this one during Christmas. It was a long week because I wanted to wait until January 1st to read it. Haha. Now I still hope to one day watch the show, because there were some moments that had me confused and sometimes things were referenced. Sadly, it is not anywhere in my country. Not on HBO, not anywhere else. sighs Still hoping that one day HBO gets it.

In this one Harley and Ivy (Harlivy) are running away from Gotham and go into a full chaotic road trip with superheroes and supervillains and tons of chaos. For reals. If you thought things with Harley couldn’t get more chaotic, hold on to your seat because DANG. This was one fun road trip and I loved seeing Harley and Ivy get closer. Think about how things got to this point. And we don’t just see Harley, but we also get Catgirl, Batwoman, Night, um sorry Tushwing, and many others. Even Batman pops up.

Harley was just fantastic, though sure, at times she got a bit on my nerves. Haha, sometimes she was just a bit too oblivious for all around her, but I could see she was at least trying not to always get into trouble. I really loved how she was with Ivy. It was a laugh to see her bounce through the world in her Harley way. And I loved her outfits.

I wasn’t always a fan of Ivy. I could see she struggled and I could understand why, but sometimes I just wished she talked to Harley. Because yes, Harley is a chaotic being but she is also willing to listen. She is very kind and sweet. She is trying her hardest to make things work, but again, she is also still Harley. You need to be clear with this girl. You need to speak up. Not go from hot to cold. As Harley said, she had enough crap with Joker. She doesn’t need this again.

I loved seeing them cuddle and have sweet moments together. Really, I was already shipping Harlivy from earlier Harley stuff, but now? Even more. They were so adorable. And I loved loved how they fiercely protected each other. I had such a laugh when Harley was getting attention from a dude and Ivy just went total death mode. XD

I adored that both Ivy and Harley had chats with Harleen, aka the psych before Harleen turned into the chaotic party clown that is Harley. It made me laugh and I loved that little nudge to Harley’s past.

Gordon was NOT my favourite. Dang dude, I get that you want to catch these two girls, but to go as far as to blow up a building with CIVILIANS in it and not care about them getting hurt or worse? And there were other parts. Even Batman was NOT in the mood for that stuff.

Also sorry to Nightwing, but you are Tushwing for me now. XD It is not wrong though, DANG those abs and muscles. MMMMMM. 🤤🫠

The ending was just one big WOW and I was totally into it. We meet some more superheroes, some more others that I recognised, and there are explosions, action, and some drama.

The ending (and also the cover) were wonderful. I just love the style Max Sarin is amazing!

I cannot wait what is next for this pair, I want to come with them again on a new road trip. Hopefully this time I can get the book sooner than waiting months for it. glares at Amazon. I would highly recommend this book to fans of Ivy/Harley and love a big order of chaos.

Star rating, 5 stars

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