Library Haul ~ 13-4-2023 (Library #1)

Library Haul ~ 13-4-2023 (Library #1)

Afternoon all!

Welcome to a new shiny Library Haul! Yesterday I visited Library #1 again~ dances

Which made Coco a bit unhappy. Normally when we go out I take her with me, either on lease or in the puppy bag, but Library #1 is a whole bicycle ride and she is a bit too wild to put in a basket or anything else on my bicycle, and cycling with the bag? Not happening. So the girl was all confused and even whined a bit when I left her. No worries, my hubby is still at home. According to him she kept whining a bit longer and even went in a bit of a destruction mode. Aww, my poor baby. One day, when you are a bit less volatile puppy you can come with me!

On to the library! I was eager to get some new books as I had finished almost all my books. Just had one left, but just wasn’t sure if I wanted to read that, so that also went back to the library. I had oodles of fun walking through the library, it was nice for a change of scenery + be on my own for a while. As I said, these days it is all about Coco, and while I love her a lot, I could use a little break away from it all. So I soaked up all the good feels and checked out all my favourite spots and found quite a nice batch of new books to read. Not as much as the previous weeks but still enough that you don’t hear me complain! I got some that I hadn’t expected but I am very happy to see in the library, like London Seance Society or the newest Cressida Cowell!

Oh, oh oh! Good news! As you may have read in previous library hauls, the libraries here are trying to add more manga. But Library #1 is taking it a step further. They want to create a little manga corner in their library! YES! English manga is finally getting there. So there was a little sign asking for help and I asked about it and the librarian told about the plans and that they were open for suggestions. I noted that they did have a lot of shounen (One Piece/Hero Academia) but not much else. She nodded and said they wanted to add more different things, but she wasn’t really into manga so had no idea. I told her I wouldn’t mind giving some suggestions and well, I am not sure if she expected this much. Haha. I filled up a whole sheet of paper with both Children, YA, and mixed recommendations along with a link to a site that lists what is currently airing. Often those have either an English manga license or will get an English license for the manga and I am sure that teens especially will love being able to read the manga along with checking out the anime. I recommended things like Card Captor Sakura, Blue Flag, Sasameki Koto, Yotsuba, Full Metal Alchemist, Zombie 100, Kitchen Princess. I hope that they will be able to get something, it all depends on the book-binding service they use if that one can get the books easily in a good format. Crossing fingers!

Phew, that turned out to be a long post! I am very happy with my haul + I am happy that they were open to suggestions and that I could help them out~

STATS: 9 books. 1 non-fiction, 8 fiction.

Pictures, Emoji, Cute

Book List, Emoji, Cute
Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake
The Stranded by Sarah Daniels
Kleine haperende vluchten by Femke Brockhus
Stoverij met frieten #3 by Marc de Bel
The London Séance Society by Sarah Penner
Tussen agaves en citroenen by Ingrid Vermulst
I Have Some Questions for You by Rebecca Makkai
Which Way to Anywhere by Cresside Cowell
Schoenbek by Joukje Akveld, Piet Grobler

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