Release Day Blitz ~ Fools in Love by J. Sterling

Release Day Blitz ~ Fools in Love by J. Sterling

Afternoon all!

Fools in Love by J. Sterling, Romance, Dual POV, Matchmaker, Fireman/Firefighter, Rain, Umbrella, Pink

A big welcome to the Release Day Blitz for Fools in Love by J. Sterling! I just had to sign up, that cover? LOVE LOVE. That blurb? YES! So I am happy I can be part of the celebrations today.

For today’s post I got teasers + book/author information!

A big congrats and happy book birthday to the author, I hope you have an amazing day. hands out choco-cupcakes

Fools in Love by J. Sterling, Romance, Dual POV, Matchmaker, Fireman/Firefighter, Rain, Umbrella, Pink

Fools in Love by J. Sterling, Romance, Dual POV, Matchmaker, Fireman/Firefighter, Rain, Umbrella, Pink

April is the hottest matchmaker in Manhattan. She is completely content helping others find love and is in no rush to find a match of her own. But when she is forced into attending a bachelor auction, she has no idea that she’s about to be the winning bidder of Bachelor #22.

Robbie is the city’s hottest fireman. The calendar he’s in even proclaimed it. A title he can’t seem to live down and is growing to detest. Women all over Manhattan throw themselves at him without a care in the world. He liked it at first, but now he’s struggling with feeling used. The last thing he wants to do is participate in a bachelor auction- even if it is for a good cause.

She doesn’t want to go out with him.
And he couldn’t agree more.
But they’re not allowed to say no.
Now what?

Buy the book here: MyBook

Fools in Love by J. Sterling, Romance, Dual POV, Matchmaker, Fireman/Firefighter, Rain, Umbrella, Pink

About the author:

J. Sterling, Author, Black/white, Hat, Necklace, SmileI’m a New York Times and USA Today best selling author of over 18 books! My goal is to write stories that you can get lost in, that will leave a smile on your face and a full heart. If you can forget about the real world while you’re reading and fall in love with my characters, then I’ve done my job. A lot of what I write has real life aspects in it, but that’s what makes the stories so relateable- the fact that they could happen to anyone… and have!

I live in California with my only son, Blake. If you can’t find me sitting behind a computer screen, then there’s a good chance I’m sitting in the bleachers of a baseball stadium watching him play. I love traveling to new places, meeting my readers and living life with the Real Jack Carter. ♡

I know you have a million books to choose from and I am humbled, grateful and thankful each time you choose to read one of mine, or tell someone else to read them. Thank you.

Find her here:       
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