WWW Wednesday #37 ~ 19-4-2023
It’s been a while, but here I am with a new WWW Wednesday~
I thought I would bring this one again and share with you what I am reading + planning on reading~ So far this week is, reading-wise, going well. I have been having fun with some new spooky reads on my kindle + some travel books I got from the library! Today I just read and relaxed, I really needed a day like that. Life with puppy is fun, but also not that easy and I am just too tired at the moment. Also puppyblues is 110% real. phew Other than that, the weather is improving and I am looking forward to visiting my local garden centre to get some new plant babies. I want some new ones for the balcony + maybe a few for the garden. Yes, I said it was ready, but I can always find some place for a new baby. Plus, I hope so that I feel well enough that I can bake a fresh batch of muffins and cookies, it’s been 4 weeks (yes, when we got the puppy) since I baked anything, that is LONG, normally I bake something each week!
For this evening, well some reading is on the planning, a bit of LEGO building, and there is a new ep of The Worst/Most Terrible Driver (for my country, sorry if the translation is off, my English is also wanting to take a nap😂), so I am hyped to see what is going to be happening this time.
About WWW Wednesdays: WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam of Taking on a World of Words. It is a fun way to show readers what you are reading, what you finished, what you want to read next.
The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

These three! The left one I just got for my Kindle, I am in a spooky mood and I heard this book was quite fun! And the other two are library books! One is by Veronica Roth who has written some good stuff so I am excited about this new dystopia book of hers. And the next is the new Justice Jones book, eep, this time new mysteries, and a ghost??? Yes, three books, my mood is very much into all of these three, so I just decided to read them all. Haha.

I finished these three books today! One I started yesterday and finished today, and is the zombie book! It was quite good, but seriously if the author did THAT as is hinted in the last few sentences? I will seriously burn something. I am attached to my characters, and I know I shouldn’t because… well you know.. zombies. And the other two books are Dutch books, one is about wine and France and it made me seriously consider grabbing my hubby, my puppy, and the hamsters, load them in the car and let’s go. XD I also loved the bit of humour in the book. And the one next is about locations for camping, some with some seriously OMG I need to visit that vibes. I mean, a camper in the air? Tents that are made to look like a treehut? A tent that is all clear and so you can see the stars? Plus, there were also some lovely extra bonus tips of things to visit and I just want to go!

Haha, for now I think with 3 books on my currently reading that I am not going to select a new book! But I can give you a hint? With my mood I will probably select a spooky book, I still got 2 on my physical TBR and 3-5 on my Kindle! Plenty of choice~