Library Haul ~ 20-5-2023 (Library #2+#3)

Library Haul ~ 20-5-2023 (Library #2+#3)


Nyarko GIF, Books, All the books

A happy and excited welcome to a new Library #2 and #3 haul! Yesterday it was time!

First up was Library #3 and Coco had something new! Last time she went in her doggy bag, but this time she was allowed to walk on her own. I went inside and my hubby stayed outside and walked with Coco for a bit, and making sure she didn’t eat any of the things on the floor, dear heavens, the area around Library #3 is DISGUSTING. He had to keep her from eating cigarette butts and other crap. Bleh!
At the library I walked around and found quite a few fun books over at the new releases. They are really doing their best to add some interesting and fun new books. Whereas most other libraries just mostly have the same things, this one really gets some interesting English and Non-fiction books~ I am especially a fan of their photography book chonkers that they keep adding. OK, my shoulders and later on my hubby as he takes over when we are heading back to the car, do not agree. 😂 After that I went up to the children’s department, sadly nothing there. Yes, there was one book, but I could also get that at another library (though it is popular so I will have to wait) and I thought I would rather go for something that only this library has. So I checked out the graphic novel section. At one point I got to the manga section, which is generally the handful of Dutch translated manga that came out once sometime ago, but this time I saw Tokyo Ghoul and a couple of other series and I knew that those had to be in English as Dutch translated manga has been dead for years. I am SO happy that libraries are really invested the rare bits of money they have into also adding English manga. It seems they are finally realising that there is an interest in it (DUH). And I was excited to add two new volumes of Chainsaw Man to my bag, but also saw a Shoujo, which is even rarer. Most of the English manga getting added is Shounen/Seinen. So YEAH! I am so hyped and cannot wait to start a new series (though I need to look up volume 1) and continue with CsW. So this library was a big succes!

Of to library #2 to pick up my 15 reservations (and one I had to do a bit of an effort for as apparently they send the mail that it was ready but it wasn’t ready yet, haha I was too fast) and just look around. Coco came with me this time in her doggy bag. I think she was pretty content with that because she was very knackered from the busy surroundings of Library #3. Though haha, each time she saw someone for potential hugs and attention she was very much awake again.
I had fun walking around the library, hunting for books, asking for help as books weren’t were they were supposed to be, and adding books to my trolly. I had though that I wouldn’t find that much here but in the end I walked away with a very nice haul! So excited about these books~

All in all, plenty of fresh book ink to sniff and read and I cannot wait!

STATS: 12 books at Library #3 and 32 books at Library #2! throws confetti

NOTE: Photos 1 and 2 are Library #2 and Photo #3 is Library #3.

Pictures, Emoji, Cute

Book List, Emoji, Cute
No Exit by Maren Stoffels
24 Uur by Marcel van Driel
Groep 8 rocks! by various authors
Geen weg terug by Elisabeth Mollema
Dex Durfal: Het oog van Ra by Lida Dijkstra
Limonade maak ik zelf! by Ronnie de Vries
Blauw brengt ongeluk by Angelique van Dam, Kees de Boer
Grijs ijs met haren by Yorick Goldewijk
De schat in de diepzee by Thea Stilton
De bende van Ratstad by Geronimo Stilton
Superhelden tegen de dubbelgangers by Geronimo Stilton
De club van mysteriejagers by Geronimo Stilton
Codebreker Charlotte by Zihuan Wang
Oom Tijs gaat trouwen by Sarah S. Brannen, Lucia Soto
Een potje vol liefs by Daniëlle Schothorst
Kijk dan toch! by Elvis Peeters, Sebastiaan van Doninck
Eri wil een eenhoorn zijn by Susan Wallenberg

Zolang ik nog vrijgezel ben by Frances Gallimore
B&B by Gijs Muller
Langste Kerst Ooit by Lisette Jonkman
Atan van Kea by Judith Vanistendael
De geplaagde plantijn by Luc Morjaeu
Dance Academy #13 by Crip
Voertuigen by Géraldine Cosneau
Limonade by The Holy Kauw Company
Elke Dag bakdag by Jayne Jubb
Ai, een haai! by Joukje Akveld
Mijn eerste zoekboek: op de markt by Ingela P. Arrhenius
Polder by Marieke ten Berge, Eva Moraal
Waar komt ons eten vandaan? by Julia Dürr

Slurpen zonder grenzen by Ilja van Gort
Chainsaw Man #6 by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Chainsaw Man #7 by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Ima Koi #3 by Ayuko Hatta
Ima Koi #2 by Ayuko Hatta
Fearless by Peter Goes
Deserted by Rucksack Magazine Presents
De zure stad by Paul van Ravestein
De filosoof, de honden en de bruiloft by Barbara Stok
50x Eindhoven by Jan van Schagen
Port of Rotterdam by Flying Focus Castricum
Beacons of Light by Flying Focus Castricum

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