Review for Adventures with a Yorkshire Vet: Lambing Time and Other Animal Tales

Review for Adventures with a Yorkshire Vet: Lambing Time and Other Animal Tales

Adventures with a Yorkshire Vet: Lambing Time and Other Animal Tales Julian Norton, Non-Fiction, Animals, Vet, Sheep, Snow, WinterA delightful collection of stories from a vet in Yorkshire! Lambs, dumb alpaca/llamas, a cute dog, and more!

I came across this book during bloghopping and just knew I had to get it! I just love stories like this and the illustrations also looked really sweet~

In this book we meet Julian, he is a vet in the Yorkshire region and we follow him on his vet-adventures. From faraway farms in the snow to help with lambing to helping out a cow because things went floppy to 2 found kitties and the adventures one of them has, and more. There are a lot of animals that will pass by in this book! There is a lot and I loved every story fully. I was eager to see what would be next for our vet and what kind of animal we would meet next. A lot of the stories were sweet and cute and hopeful, but some had me really worried and (almost) crying. Like with those alpacas/llamas that ate til they were so full that they almost died or with the dog that had to be put to sleep as things just weren’t working. The writing style really is well done, I could just imagine being there with Julian as he was doing his things.

I also liked that we got to see how Julian got to be a vet, and that he wasn’t an expert when the stories started. We see that he tries to think off solutions, and sometimes other people give him tips, it was great to see him grow as the stories continued.

And I just loved reading about Julian’s dog, how she often went along with him to his vet visits. She is so cute!

The illustrations were really good, well, and I have to be honest, generally the animals were drawn to perfection and seemed to pop off the page, but the humans often looked a bit odd/off.

All in all, I need more of this vet! I am considering also checking out his adult non-fiction works to see if that one is fun as well~ I would recommend this one to all.

Star rating, 5 stars

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