Top 5 Tuesday: 16-5-2023: Fire and Lightning
Evening everyone!!
Welcome to a new Top 5 Tuesday!! I just ADORE the prompts this month~ And this time it is Fire (or Lightning).
I was thinking if I would do just fire covers, because I am feeling quite fiery/burning lately or if I would do just Lightning because that is also fun to find. In the end I decided on 2 lightning covers and three fire covers! I am still not feeling that well, but I had some time + my head wasn’t so full so I could do both. Going through lists on Goodreads, check my shelves!
I really love that we get the option to pick either one or do both. As for next week though, I am unsure. Maybe I will just go for titles again, or I will pick flight and see if I can find some flying in covers.
I also hope that everyone is having a good week so far~
Top 5 Tuesday was created by Shanah at Bionic Book Worm, and it is my absolute privilege and pleasure to say that it is now being hosted here, at Meeghan reads!! Each week there is a new theme and you need to find 5 books that fit the theme in one way or another! From TBRs to finding items on covers to books with themes, there are all sorts of fun prompts~