Review for Butt or Face?
I received this book from Netgalley/the publisher in exchange of an honest review.
I just HAD to click that button on Netgalley when I saw this hilarious looking and sounding book! I am curious if those googly eyes are real, otherwise I am almost tempted to buy the book myself and stick some on there. XD
In the animal kingdom there are animals whose butts are easy discernible. Or whose heads are like; YES, that is a head. But what about creatures who are a bit harder to figure out? Well, that gives us the question of Butt or Face?. In this book we get a small sneak peek to the body of an animal and we have to guess if that is a butt or if it is a face, and BOY I had so much fun guessing. Puzzling if it was a butt or not. I got a lot of things right, but a few were just like, wait, that is a (insert correct answer)??? Poor thing!
Next to having fun guessing we get some information on the chosen animal. From a small introduction/base information about the animal to some fun tiny facts surrounding a cute photograph of the animal. It was a great fun and I am glad that there is more than just guessing. You are actually also learning about the animal. Some facts are gross (like the sea cucumber one), some made me laugh, and they were all interesting!
I would highly recommend this fun book to all. It isn’t too long, but oh what fun will you have. With some giggles and laughs as you guess. There are some animals with weird faces/butts.