Six for Sunday ~ 4-6-2023: A Rainbow of Book Covers
Good evening all!
Welcome all to a new Six for Sunday! Today is a prompt that is perfect for Pride Month: A Rainbow of Book Covers!!
I just love making rainbows with books so I really had to be part of this prompt + I felt OK enough to make one. Last week was also a fun prompt, but this girl is so knackered lately that it is just not always happening.
Normally for Rainbow-coloured books I go for my top/favourites, but this time I went with books I have on my TBR (and one book I need to buy as soon as there is a paperback). I also added one very rainbow book, haha, I couldn’t resist~ I am really excited about reading these books, and 4 of these are LGBT+ so that makes it even more fitting for the Pride Month~
The Six for Sunday is normally made by Steph from Alittlebutalot. Each week features a new theme in which bloggers have to find 6 books/characters/other things. But since she hasn’t been adding new prompts these prompts are from Chonky Books (check her blog out here) who decided to make her own! So happy that SfS is still going strong~




