Library Haul ~ 22-7-2023 (Library #2+#3)

Library Haul ~ 22-7-2023 (Library #2+#3)

Afternoon all~

Nyarko GIF, Books, All the books

A happy welcome to a new Library #2 and #3 haul! It is not a big one, but I did want to share it!

Since it was just quite small I will keep the post small as well haha. First was Library #3 and I had fun browsing around, hoping to find new books. Didn’t have a lot of luck at the new releases tables, but I managed to find quite a few fun graphic novels/comics. Including sequels that I had been waiting for and a re-read! I also found 3 gorgeous photography books that I just couldn’t resist.
Next was Library #2 with 7 books waiting for me to pick them up! I wanted to get a bit more than that, I had 2 at home that I still needed to read, but I do love to read… so I went browsing and searching for some more books and I had some luck in that I found 10 more books to add to my haul! While not the best haul, I am still happy with the books I found, including a new YA novella I have had my eyes on for a bit along with finally being able to read the Toetjesbijbel. Oh, and I can finally continue with My Hero Academia. I am still a bit on the fence with it, sometimes there is just too much dialogue and fuss, so getting #15 at Library #2 and #16 at Library #3 means that these two may just be the last ones for me with this series.

I cannot wait to get reading! When this post gets up I hope to have read Salto & Ubba, I am so hyped that I got book 2 that I couldn’t wait for this post to be up, haha.

STATS: 17 at Library #2 and 12 at Library #3! Good haul!

NOTE: Photos 1 and 2 are Library #2 and Photo 3 is Library #3.

Pictures, Emoji, Cute

Book List, Emoji, Cute
Nomen Nesco by Juultje Koffeman
De tien levens van Sjakie Geluk by Ellen Stoop, Lotte Dijkstra
Het is maar een spel by K.R. Alexander
My Hero Academia #15 by Kohei Horikoshi
Action Dude by Andy Riley
Dating China by Mathilda van Heereveld
Gestrand by Mariëtte Middelbeek
Een date met de dood by Julia Chapman

Toetjesbijbel by Rutger van den Broek
Hoe vind je zelf dat het gaat? by Bart Römer
Polderjapanner by Fumiko Miura
De Britannica Listopedia by Andrew Pettie, Andrés Lozano
Net als uil by Margreet Schouwenaar
Kamiel de Kameel by Pim Lammers, Suzan T’Hooft
De vijf #6 by Enid Blyton, Nataël, Béja
Gelukkig en blij by Edward van de Vendel, Martijn van der Linden
Willewete: Van vroeger tot nu by Erwin Claes

My Hero Academia #16 by Kohei Horikoshi
Trip Down Memory Lane by Karin Bosch, Patrick Van Oppen
Van Manneke Pis tot de Betoverde Haas by Tanguy Ottomer, Shamisa Debroey, Philippe Hosselet
Salto & Ubba #2 by Wilbert van der Steen
Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
Ekhö #11 by Christophe Arleston, Alessandro Barbucci
Madeleine, verzetsstrijder #1 by Bertail, Morvan, Riffaud
Curtiss Hill by Pau
Gung Ho #4 by Benjamin von Eckartsberg, Thomy von Kummant
Zeeland 1975-2000 by Wim van Gorsel
Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam by Benning & Gladkova
NL365: A Year in the Netherlands by Frans Lemmers

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