Library Haul ~ 3-9-2023 (Library #2)

Library Haul ~ 3-9-2023 (Library #2)

Afternoon all!

Nyarko GIF, Books, All the books

Welcome all to the second part of my library visits this week, today I am sharing my AMAZING Library #2 haul, eep!

Those who have read my blog know that the past visits have been quite a bit sad, so when I had just 9 reservations I expected fully to maybe find a few more books. However? I found a ton of books! The summer season is clearly over and the library is adding tons of new books (along with publishers finally releasing more books)! WHOO! I just kept putting books in my shopping trolley, to a point that the poor thing (well, OK, he is not poor he is just annoying) almost collapsed, haha. OK, I am sad that summer is almost over, but I guess I can tide those feelings away with books.

I got quite a nice selection of books again, non-fiction but also plenty of fun looking picture books. I just cannot resist a good/pretty looking picture book.

What I will read first? I have no clue. Haha, maybe I should really buy some dice and get rolling. 🤣

STATS: 35 books!

Pictures, Emoji, Cute

Book List, Emoji, Cute
Mo en Tijger gaan naar school by Elisabeth Mollema
Ava en de vloek van het woud by Anna Taube
Maxi van Fluks: Altijd chaos met deze fee by Anna Ruhe, Max Meingold
Ze noemen me mier by Dita Zipfel, Bea Davies
Justice League: Samen sterk by LEGO
De mysterieuze mummy by Geronimo Stilton
De alchemist op de richel by Karst-Janneke Rogaar
De dwergjes van Tuil by Paul Biegel
Zomer by Sophie Pluim
Het kijkmeneertje by Mira van der Lubbe, Merel Gorduwener
De berenbroers by Alex Cousseau, Anne-Lise Boutin
Anna en Otis by Maisie Paradise
De eend van Jules by Annemie Berebrouckx
Kun jij een geheim bewaren? by Melissa Castrillon
Olivier de otter by Pam Ayres
Waarom een tafel geen dier is by Meneer Zee, Melvin
Hay en zijn dierenvrienden by Faith Incekara
Dat is heel wat voor een kat by Judith Viorst, Fleur van der Weel
Karel in het donker by Liesbet Slegers
Dahlia’s tovergrootoma by Najat Kaddour, Aida de Jong
Levi’s nieuwe liedje by Edward van de Vendel, Saskia Halfmouw
Komt een giraf bij de dokter by Ninette Sarnes
Jana en de dino’s: Geef me de vijf by Ann Lootens
Oma, Max en ik by Mattias Danielson

Prinses Simone #5 by Robbert Damen
Op weg naar Orléans by Gabi Berkers
Het leukste boekje over Spanje by Marianne Busser, Ron Schröder
King Charles by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Maria Montessori by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Wat, Hoe, Waarom: Dieren by Giulia Pesavento
Wetenschap: Nieuwsgierige vragen en antwoorden by Camilla de la Bedoyère
Breingeheimen by Tim James, Aaron Cushley
Licht uit, spot aan! by Lauren O’Hara
Onze tijd op aarde by Lily Murray
De magische wereld van heksen by Cécile Roumiguière

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