Review for The Unicorn Legacy, Vol.1: Call of the Goddess
I received this book from Netgalley/publisher in exchange of an honest review.
I just HAD to click on the read now button when I saw this one along with other graphic novels by Europe Comics. I mean Unicorn girls? Sign me up! And that blurb also sounds interesting. I am always in the mood for more fantasy and unicorn magic.
PLUS, I am happy to say that this 4 book is also not a dud! That means 2 were and 2 weren’t. That makes me happy, I was so worried when the first two graphic novels I wanted to read were duds.
In this gorgeous, really GORGEOUS, graphic novel we follow the heiricorns, aka the unicorn heiresses. For a while we follow Celeste, princess of Lemuria. Well, officially it was her sister’s journey, but she is sick so it is up to Celeste to go to the temple of the goddess and do her wish/prayer. I did think it was interesting that Celeste didn’t seem to know much about her heritage, mostly just doing it away as dreams/fantasies, until the moment that she needs her inner unicorn and finds out everything is actually true!
But after that introduction, including an introduction to another heiricorn (or is she, because given what we see I have some doubts) we just travel to another realm to meet another heiricorn and see them start their journey and then we are back to Nell/Celeste and then we meet another heiricorn, see the heiricorn from the previous part, and oh yes, there are halflings and they are baddies and there is a fight, and so on. I was just so confused. I mean, it just didn’t flow. It just didn’t match together. It felt like separate chapters/parts being slotted together only not neat and tidy, but just disorganised. I mean, I just would have rather had more flow. Better introductions. Less BOOM BOOM BOOM here is the next part. I think this one may just work a bit better as animation rather than a book.
I am curious about the baddie at the end, that is the one we were warned for, and I wonder what her motivations are (I mean, every baddie has one, right). I do love her character design, so ominous!
Despite this, I am still curious about what is next for these girls + also what will happen now the baddie knows about their journey! I love the transformation of the girls and see their unicorns, I love how inventive they are and how they kick some major butt. Plus, I love how much nostalgia vibes this one gives me! I love that we get some extra character information at the end for Celeste and Rama along with their wishes, countries, and unicorns, I am guessing that in the next volumes we will learn of the others.
And the art, OMG the art! That was just absolutely gorgeous, I love the colours used, and I love how diverse the cast is.
But yeah, I cannot rate it more than 3 stars because the story just popped from one to another thing. If the story was just a bit better this could have easily been 4 stars!