Book Haul November 2023

Book Haul November 2023

Hi hi!

Anime, Girl, Bed, Books, kiniro mosaic

Welcome all to a new Book Haul! Today I am sharing my new haul for November!

This was a pretty good reading month! Lots of library books were read, ARCs were read and reviewed (and more were gained, haha I started using Edelweiss again), I had some left-over books from other months + some older books that I wanted to give a shot before possibly moving them over to the bye bye donate or sell stack (anyone in the Netherlands have a need for some  English YA?).

I got a nice stack of books. It isn’t a lot, and two books (comics) are missing as my hubby is reading them both, or well they are on his stack somewhere, haha.

Did I read them? Well, no. I have been too busy with other books this month to get to reading them. I currently want to try out Megan Bannen’s book first as that has been on the stack for over a year + read Clackity which is from last month’s haul, and then I want to start reading these. But yeah, I also got new library books, so we will see, haha.

Pictures, Emoji, Cute

Book List, Emoji, Cute
The United States of Cryptids by J.W. Ocker
The Lucky Foal and other Animal Tales by Julian Norton
A Taste of Darkness by various authors
The Voice Upstairs by Laura E. Weymouth
Kay’s Incredible Inventions by Adam Kay

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