Library Haul ~ 25-11-2023 (Library #2+#3)

Library Haul ~ 25-11-2023 (Library #2+#3)

Greetings all!

Nyarko GIF, Books, All the books

A happy welcome to a new Library #2 and #3 Haul! It was high time to visit, I could use some new books (only had one left, haha).

First up Library #3, I was a bit worried at first as the new releases tables were a bit bare, normally they are brimming with new books. But I did find some books there + while walking around my favourite sections I found even more! I had a lot of luck at the comic/graphic novel books, I found several new (and new to me) GN + I found two more books in a series I enjoyed the first book of, so all in all, good times~ Hopefully next time though the new releases tables are full again, I do love how many photography books this library adds to their collection and I would love a new one (or two, or three, haha).

Onwards to Library #2. I had 13 books waiting for me and I was eager to find a few more things. Well, sorry to everyone, but I raided that children’s new releases table. I had a big big stack in my hands when I was finished scouring it. Teehee! After that I walked around to see if I could find some more books and I had some luck there! In the end my trolley was just overflowing and crying (RIP him). I am very happy with what I found here, so many good looking books, eep!

What I will be reading first? Well, keep an eye out for my TBR Updates posting in 4 hours and you will get an answer on what books I hope to read (hint, this girl couldn’t pick).

STATS : 39 books at Library #2 (pictures #2, #3, and #4) and 12 at Library #3 (picture #1), and look how many picture books I got, haha!

NOTE: I will be adding a Book List either tomorrow or Monday, depends on when I have time. For now (at 8pm on Saturday) no.

Pictures, Emoji, Cute

Book List, Emoji, Cute
De roep van de raaf by Mercy Ngeno, Jen Minkman
Zo bouw ik dus niet een chill-honk by Allard Droste, Anka Jacobs
Herinneringen aan mijn jeugd by Maarten van Rossum
Siciliaanse toestanden by Roberto Pennino
Meester Jesper en de TikTok Battle by Jesper Hesseling
Tot ziens, Justine by Spinvis, Hanco Kolk
Een beest onder het bed by Ingrid Vanderkerckhove, Hiky Helmantel
Worst Case Scenario by Richard Raaphorst, Eron Sheean
Het grondrecht by Étienne Davodeau
Verhoeven Brigade: Alex by Pascal Bertho, Yannick Corboz
Verhoeven Brigade: Irene by Pascal Bertho, Yannick Corboz
Knipperen & Ademen by Micky Dirkzwager

Time to momo: Toscane by Kim Lansink
Sinterklaasgeheimen by Martijn J. Adelmund, Syvs
Haar by Natasja Admiraal
50+ en nog lang niet dood by Barbara van Erp
Welke vogel hoor ik? by Dominic Couzens
Een thuis op wielen by Marchien den Hertog
Omhoog, omlaag en over de kop by Yoin van Spijk
Papa, ik mis je by Mireille Geus, Evy Van Guyse

In het vervloekte hart by Rima Orie
Doolhoof Game by Maren Stoffels
Zondig Rijk by Meghan March
Een tijdloze liefde by Santa Montefiore
In vuur en vlam by Willeke Brouwer
Victor de Vogel by Benjamin Ryan
Het boek van Clash #2 by Gene Luen Yang
Gevecht om de cup by Gerard van Gemert
Punkertje by Erik van Os, Hugo van Look
Maantje schrijft een boek by Sjoerd Kuyper

Ik heb wel een mammoet gezien by Alex Willmore
Piet de kat die wil weten wat hij wel mag eten by Yvonne Jagtenberg
De baby moet slapen by Lou Peacock
Ik laat je nooit los by Patrice Karst
Vis en Krab by Marianna Coppo
De versiervogel by Julia Donaldson
Heksje Mimi tovert taart by Kathleen Amant
De IJsbeer en de nacht by Bouke Billiet, Marjolein Pottie
Beer gaat verhuizen by Sam Loman
Hoe verjaag je een monster? by Jana Bauer
Muis houdt van jou by Lucy Cousins
Tess Rex by Michelle Robinson, Deborah Allwright
Niemand die ons ziet by Donna Kroese
Ik zag een kikker by Cindy Pieterse, Berber van den Brink
Duiker Doris en het verdwenen vuurtorenlicht by Astrid Sy, Kwennie Chang
Wat er ‘s nachts echt gebeurd by Muge Li
Heks Lexia en de toverproef by Liesbeth Iken, Christiaan Iken
Dappere kleine beer by Steve Small
De bril van Beer by Leo Timmers
Rik het bange spoookje by Kathleen Amant

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