Review for Little Experts: Amazing Bodies

Review for Little Experts: Amazing Bodies

Amazing Bodies byy Dr Ronx, Ashton Attzs, People working on a body with a pink background, non-fiction, biology, scienceThe first (for me) book in the Little Experts series and all about our body!

I came across this book and others in the series through a blog post of someone I follow, I was instantly curious about this book (+ the Vehicles book which I hope to buy soon, writing this one in October, so hopefully by the time the review goes up I got it). I just love books like this, fun non-fiction books for kids!

In this book we learn, in a very fun and colourful way, all about the body! From hard skulls and how the two ears we have aren’t identical to muscles and guts to well, everything! All in two page spreads and 100% enjoyable! I just love the way the book is written, very accessible~ Some children’s non-fiction I read was pretty dry, but this one actually makes it all fun! I am happy that there are more and more non-fiction books for children that are fun, that is what we need, because learning needs to be fun! Now can we make some adult non-fiction books like this too? Haha. I learned a few new facts while reading this one and that always makes me smile.

I love the illustrations and how colourful the pages were. Like the introduction page (which was fun to read) which was fuchsia/dark pink.

Definitely a book I would highly recommend to all! Perfect for younger kids because of the colourful illustrations and information brought in an easy to understand way.

Star rating, 5 stars

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