Review for Mothman’s Merry Cryptid Christmas
I received this book from the publisher + Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.
I just love Cryptids and while it was a bit soon for me to read this one (I read this book in September) I just couldn’t resist it when I saw it on Netgalley!
In this book we meet the Mothman, who doesn’t know him. He is one of my favourite cryptids! And in this book the Mothman has a new fun job! Because of his glowing red eyes he has gotten the attention of someone big, someone HO HO HO-ing his days, also known as Santa! Yep. He has seen that Mothman has some bright red eyes and well, Rudolf apparently decided that it was time for a vacation, yup, smack-dab in the middle of holiday season (bad timing Rudolph), so if Mothman wanted to help? I just loved that he got the chance to show the world he wasn’t just scary. That his bright red eyes aren’t just for spooky stuff. I loved seeing who he asked for advice (“If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anybody else?”) and I loved what happened next! This was just so much fun to read and I was getting in all the Christmas vibes, even though it is just September and my brain is more excited about Halloween coming up, haha.
I loved that we got a FAQ at the end of the book. From why Mothman has birdwings to what a cryptid is to more funny questions. I really liked that this was added!
And the illustrations were simple but oh so much fun! I loved the way Mothman is drawn and also other cryptids~
All in all, this is one Christmas story that I would highly recommend! Cryptids x Christmas = YAS!