Review for Trident Edge

Review for Trident Edge

Wait For Me #2 Trident Edge J.M. McKenzie, Zombies, Horror, Two people with weapons looking at zombiesThe exciting sequel to Wait for Me, six months in the zombie apocalypse! It is time to get out~

We are back again and it is 6 months in the apocalypse! Lisa has reunited with her hubby and is living a good life, well as good as one can get in a zombie apocalypse. They are holding their own with their little community and I just loved reading about how they have been holding up and their plans. But what if something threatens that life? And what if someone promises a solution? Something that may mean happiness? Something named Trident Edge. But as you can imagine the journey to their won’t be easy. I was already happy that they had the ability to use cars. Not in every zombie apocalypse books is that the best transport. Not just because of the gas shortage/problem, but also because of the roads being very dangerous and cars bringing sound. But in this one it worked. Yes, there were troubles, yes, things got a bit hairy, but it worked out!

The journey was a ride. WOW. All the things they saw and all the things that happened. I got quite worried. Who would make it to safety. What would happen next? There are a lot of OMG moments, several sad moments, and some shocking moments (that had me wanting to punch some people).

I was a bit sad that our power duo, Anita and Lisa, had to be separated. Anita heard that there may still be communities near where her family is and of course she wants to go there first before heading to Trident Edge. Still, it made me sad. I just love Anita, she is so kick-ass, and I was just hoping that she would be safe and sound. Find her family. Be reunited. Get to safety.

The secret wasn’t even a big secret or something scary. Given the blurb I had expected something grand, but well since it is mentioned early in the book, Lisa is pregnant. Yup! She keeps it secret from most of those she travels with, but her hubby, her friend, and a few in the community knows. I could understand she kept it for most during the book, we could already see how Neil was acting at times. Yes, Lisa is pregnant dude, but she has survived in this world more and longer than you have, and she is still kicking butt. So no need to coddle her. She can hold her own. The pregnancy was a fun addition though and I loved how Lisa just kicked butt, tried to be a bit more careful though, and also fell in love with that little being in her belly. Because she has been denying it for a while. Which I can understand. Under normal circumstances such an addition would be nice, but now? I could understand that she was worried, afraid.

Trident Edge, WOW, what a place! I am so happy that this place existed + that in this place we got more information on the virus, the zombies, and the big plan that is brewing.

I wasn’t such a fan of some of the deaths in the book. Some of them just felt a bit too unnecessary? Is that the correct word. I won’t spoil anything, but for some deaths I was like, why? Why would you do that? I get that it is the zombie world and you know don’t get attached to your characters too much, but it just felt off. Like the first person in their journey, it just didn’t make sense.

Plus, while I do get why (at least in points), I found the last part (before the epilogue) a bit rolls eyes. I get that they wanted to wait, but seriously? It just got dumb. Unnecessary.

I did love that we get an epilogue, that we get to see how the characters who survived got on in this new world. It made me smile. I do wonder if there will ever be a true happy ending though, given what we learn at the end. And yes, I keep it vague, muhahaha.

All in all, I am very happy with this book and I loved this duology. Now I am kinda hoping for more books, just set years later with another protagonist. I can already see some storylines that would be fun to explore!

Star rating, 4.5 stars

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