Top 5 Tuesday: 7-11-2023: Top 5 Books with Horses
Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone is having a good day (mine could be a bit better, but now that Coco is doing a bit better my stress levels are going down again, yay).
Today’s prompt is Top 5 books with horses and well… this is a prompt perfectly for me! Sign me up! Bring me this prompt! It wasn’t easy because I had SO MANY OPTIONS. I just love horses and I love reading about them.
And these are just the fiction books, haha, I also have a few non-fiction books! Oh, and I know it is just Top 5, but I also got like 6 I just NEED to mention, some are Dutch, some are English. Here we go: Celestine en de paarden by Lili MΓ©sange and Turconi, Te Paard! by Miss Prickly, Canterwood Crest by Jessica Burkhart, De Roskam by Vivian den Hollander and Saskia Halfmouw, Ride by Bobbi J.G. Weiss, and Chestnut Hill by Lauren Brooke!
And be sure to send me more recommendations if you have them! I especially love boarding school x horses!
Top 5 Tuesday was created by Shanah at Bionic Book Worm, and it is my absolute privilege and pleasure to say that it is now being hosted here, at Meeghan reads!! Each week there is a new theme and you need to find 5 books that fit the theme in one way or another! From TBRs to finding items on covers to books with themes, there are all sorts of fun prompts~