Birthstone Book Covers December 2023
Afternoon all~
A happy welcome to the last of 2023 Birthstone Book Covers! What a year! And now the last one is here before we start all fresh again~
This time it is blue covers time~ Say hello to Tanzanite, Zircon, and Turquoise! I was so hyped because I do love a pretty blue cover! I had fun going through my lists, I had a few books in mind already. Most of these I have read, just one I still would VERY MUCH LIKE TO READ, sorry for the caps, but that was necessary, haha.
Let me know what you think of my choices + what choices you made if you did this one! Thanks for reading~
🤩Mention the creator (Leslie @ Books Are The New Black ) and link back to me so I can see your post!
🤩Pick 5+ book covers that match the current month’s Birthstone.
🤩Nominate people if you want!