Top 10 Books December 2023

Top 10 Books December 2023

Afternoon all!

A very happy welcome to my December Top 10 post! It is time to share my top reads of December, eep!

And what a month it was! Sinterklaas (I got a book), Christmas (decorating, buying the last presents, baking, more decorating, putting up a tree, reading Christmas books, and so much more). It was a great month and while at times my mental health wasn’t the best (I miss my parents around Christmas + my mom’s birthday is on the 20th), my hubby made sure to give me plenty of hugs, several chocolates, that definitely helped me. The weather didn’t help with my mind, haha, it was a whole rainy month. Rain rain and maybe a dash of wet snow. Woo. Give me snow weather, not rain!
And Coco is still “delightfully” in her puberty phase, but also very adorable! We bought a little coat for her so she wouldn’t be cold and she absolutely loved it. In case of normal weather we let her choose if she wants her coat or her harness, and she generally goes for the coat, haha. So cute! She was also apparently on the nice list for Santa as she got 4 presents, 2 snacks and two toys!

I had three 5+ starred books and six 5 starred reads! not a super good month, but still a good one! So, you are getting one 4.5 starred book to make this a Top 10! Thankfully, I do have several good 4.5 starred books~

Disclaimer: The order of this list is random. The 5+ stars (if I have any) will always be on top, but that is the only non-randomness about the list.

Review to come January/Feb
The Grumpus And His Dastardly, Dreadful Christmas Plan by Alex T. Smith, Monster on the cover with Christmas decorations, christmas, humour, fantasy, children's books
Het fantastische bomen- en plantenboek, Boy walking next to a tree, cute, picture book
Review to come
Snackspert by Eke Bosman
Beagle Bob bezorgt by Tor Freeman
Review to come Jan/Feb
The Wrath of the Woolington Wyrm, Girl walking through a town with a wyrm behind her, magic, fantasy, mystery, friendship, children's books
Review to come Jan/Feb
Monsters Bite Back by Ian Mark, Blue cover with three characters underwater, monsters, fantasy, magic
Review to come in a few days
100 Tales from the Tokyo Ghost Café by Julian Sedgwick, Chie Kutsuwada, street with a man and a bunny walking, youkai, spooky, stories
Review to come January
Adventures with a Yorkshire Vet The Lucky Foal and Other Animal Tales by Julian Norton, horse, vet, stories
Derde kerstdag by Claudia de Breij, Aimée de Jongh, Girl looking out of the window, christmas
Boyfriends Volume One by refrainbow, Pink cover with several boys, lgbt, romance, graphic novel

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