Top 10 Books January 2024

Top 10 Books January 2024

Greetings all!

January 2024 top 10

Welcome to my first Top 10 Books post, it is time to share with you all my January Top books!!

And I got quite a few actually! While the month wasn’t that good in regards to everything, books didn’t fail me (at least not entirely, haha). Yes, this month wasn’t the easiest. Out of the blue my mom contacted me (I broke with her (and with that my dad as well as he doesn’t have an mobile or email) years ago) to let me know that my dad is in a nursing home and oh yes, he has Alzheimer. And things haven’t been going well in months. Gee, thanks mom. I was so looking forward to 2024, and now I got my mom again and a dad who is not doing well. sighs I guess the only good thing about this is that I can finally visit my dad again and call him without my mom being anywhere near it. I just wished I had more time with him without the chaos/memories being eaten away. And there were other bits as well that clearly showed that the universe was NOT happy with me for some reason. I thought at points it was just my mental health, but then my hubby started noticing things as well and was asking me what the heck I had done to the universe. XD
But there were also light points! Coco turned 1 year old! We visited a new dog park with her! I did some baking, well OK once, but hey it counts! Library visits always make me happy as well. We had a week of snow/hail/coldness and I just loved staring out of the window at it or playing with Coco in the snow (yes, she loves it). I added some new plants to my home, namely 1 sansevieria, 1 Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Teddy Bear’, 1 small (but hopefully later bigger) calathea (with pink stripes), and 1 mosaic plant (tiny but adorable). Oh, and since in 5 days it is my birthday my local garden centre has a special coupon (I love their point program) to get a pancake plant, which I will be getting ASAP!! As you can see, haha, my home is FULL with new babies, something I really need. Plus, my hubby got me some flowers throughout the month to make sure I felt more happy (tulips are everywhere now and I love it).

I had four 5+ starred books and fifteen (!!) 5 starred reads! WOW! What a month! Despite all the crap happening at least my reading was very good and I am excited!

Disclaimer: The order of this list is random. The 5+ stars (if I have any) will always be on top, but that is the only non-randomness about the list.

COME OUT, COME OUT, CHAMELEON by Jonty Howley, yellow cover with an old man a dog and a chameleon, humour, children's books
101 Horror Books to Read Before You're Murdered by Sadie Hartmann, Arm holding a book coming out of a grave, horror, non-fiction ,books
Bad Dreams in the Night by Adam Ellis, Man on the stairs of a dark home and spooky vibe, horror, short stories, comics
Discworld Companion Books The Ankh-Morpork Archives, Volume II Terry Pratchett , Stephen Briggs , Paul Kidby
Things in the Basement Ben Hatke, Picture Book, Boy standing on top of the stairs leading to a messy spooky basement, mystery, adventure, graphic novel
De theetuinen fietsgids van Nederland by Marlou Jacobs
Spider-Man Quantum Quest by Mike Maihack, Spiderman, Marvel, Superheroes, Children's books
De kersthaas by Marc-Uwe Kling, Astrid Henn
Oh. It's You. Love Poems by Cats by Francesco Marciuliano, Cat with a flower crown, poetry, funny, fun
Speak de graphic novel by Laurie Halse Anderson, Emily Carroll, Pink/Purple/Fuchsia cover with a girl in a busy hallway, rape, mental health, graphic novel, young adult

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