Review for The Prince’s Loving Guards
I received an ARC from the author in exchange of an honest review.
I was excited to read the newest book by this author, I really LOVED the previous book: The Prince’s Dearest Guards and I was curious to see how the story would continue. I mean, Hal found out that he has magic, but what if magic is not something someone should have?
😍 I love that the book continues where we left the last time. It was as if I never had left the previous book. So I can forgive that abrupt ending from the previous book.
😍 Again lots of spicy scenes. Oh boy. If you are cold, well I can tell you that you will feel hot afterwards. These three guys are going for it, either all of them in one go, or Elwood x Hal or Kaiser x Hal. And Hal loves to experiment and open himself up to new experiences, which I just loved. I loved seeing the guards respect Hal’s boundaries and give him a great time during the sex, slowing down when needed, but also given extra care afterwards. Either by cuddling, washing, or just massaging Hal. I just love that. A lot of times sex is just sex. And that is it. But here you see so much love between them. And that makes me happy.
😍 I loved that despite everything happening in this book Hal kept going, I mean, there is a lot of things on his plate, a shitty parent, sudden magic, his body being that of a girl despite him being a boy. But he keeps going, makes plans, thinks about things, even trying to figure out magic himself (though please Hal, no more scary dark monsters in teacups). I also love that despite him at times not feeling secure in his body given the parts he still has, he also sees the advantages of them. One scene he remarks about his boobs but is forgiving them because they bring him pleasure.
😍 Where I was a bit unsure about the ending in the previous book as it felt like the story was just cut off, in this one I really enjoyed the ending. It felt really good to end it on this high note. End it with sweet words. With hope for the next time.
😍 Siegfried, Hal’s butler. Who already helped him come out to his parents but also finds out about Hal and his guards but keeps it a secret, even talks to them about it. Siegfried deserves the award for best butler!
😍 That cover! I just really enjoy that cover~
And this is by no means bad, but it is also not entirely worthy of love since I seriously wanted to kick Hal’s father so badly. LORD, what a piece of shit. I felt for Hal, throughout the journey he was worrying so much, he even got sick because of that along with the magic settling in his body. Then he gets home, not sure if he will be even alive after the conversation, and then he finds out that about his dad. I just wanted to step in the book, move Hal and his lovers aside, and kick that King’s butt and grab his crown and yeet it against the wall. And if all that we learn with the conversation wasn’t bad enough? Later on the father goes further, and I was so pissed.
Another one, there was a lot of tension between Elwood and Kaiser, and while I could understand most of it, at times I just wanted to shake both of them. Guys, you are making Hal feel bad/uncomfortable/sad by the way you react to each other. Things did get better as the story continued, but there were still some moments. I just would have liked all three to talk about things a bit more. We learn a few things, but I need more!
All in all I really really enjoyed this one and I cannot wait for the next book in the series! I need to see if Hal will go along with the plan, I need to see him explore the magic, and I need more Hal x his lovers because seriously those three are just perfect together. HIGHLY Recommended if you need some spice and love in your life.