Review for Zombie 100 – Bucket List of the Dead, Vol.11

Review for Zombie 100 – Bucket List of the Dead, Vol.11

Review for Zombie 100 – Bucket List of the Dead, Vol.10 by Haro Aso, blue cover with all the characters in samurai/kimono outfits, zombies, horrorThe pelgrimage continues, a mob dude gets his due, and oh yes, a fun cruiser (what could possibly go wrong?). This was a fun volume!

I was able to get this volume for Christmas (along with a few others), sometimes you got to treat yourself with fun books! I just love that this series keeps on going and that it stays fun. Some series just lose their momentum or just go boring, but this one? I look forward to each new volume!

Well, OK, the pelgrimage arc that started in the last one wasn’t entirely to my liking. I mean, I get why they did it and it was very satisfying to see them complete their journey + the temples we did get to see where stunning and pretty, but it just a bit much of the same even though we don’t get to see all the temples (lord, can you imagine if they had done that). But it was still too much for me. And seeing Bea go so into it, was just a bit too much for me. Plus, last time we saw some mob guy and I just wasn’t into that as well. He comes back in this volume again and does some bad things, and apparently he has a whole sob story and we are supposed to suddenly care for him. Well, heck no. I was glad when both that and the pelgrimage were just done and over with.

The next arc with the cruiser was just way more fun because I already had an idea how this would end/how this would go. I mean, I have read plenty of zombie books to know some tropes, and when that locked door was mentioned? I was just waiting for someone to be dumb enough to open it up. Teehee. I did love that people on the boat had such a good time, yes it was very sexual in nature, but with the end of the world I don’t blame people to go wild and have some sexy times. I mean, you never know when you will die in this world. I wouldn’t have minded some blissful moments with sexy men and women for a bit. I loved seeing how each of the characters react to the situations. Our two girls of course are not overly fond of it. Kenchou is 100% in it and it looked at times as if he was always there with how he acted and immediately seduced women left and right, haha. Akira was unsure how to feel, you could see he liked it but he is of course also still in love with Shizuka. Takeru was just doing his thing.

The ending had me both going OMG NO and rolls eyes I mean, Shizuka I get it, but you and Akira aren’t together yet. And please just listen before running off in a huff. If there is anything I HATE in romance books it is characters not giving the other a moment to explain.

I cannot wait to see what is next because I am sure this is going to get fun/exciting. I do hope that it brings Akira/Shizuka together a bit more (and that she chills out a bit more).

I will be getting volume 12 for my birthday (Feb 5th), I cannot wait to read on~ I would HIGHLY recommend this series to all! Be sure to check it out.

Star rating, 4.5 stars

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