Library Haul ~ 14 + 15-3-2024 (Library #1 + #4)
Hey all!
A happy welcome to not one, but TWO library hauls! I was thinking of combining them and my friends/fellow book bloggers on Twitter helped me with the decision, 2/3 of the peeps wanted two hauls, so here we are!
On the 14th I decided to visit Library #4 (used to be #5 but thanks to Library #2 falling away this year it is the new #4). The books needed to go back in 5 days and with my health and all that I wasn’t sure if I was up to going next week. On the 14th the weather was delightful so well worth a trip on the bicycle to this library. I had a few books bookmarked so I could easily find them should I not be able to find them on the new releases tables, though I barely needed that. Plus, I found some other books that called out to me, haha. In the end my book bag was just WAY too heavy. I am really excited about all these books, for now I really want to get started on Pardalita, though by the time this post goes up I may or may not have started it (since this post goes live around 4.40 pm). After that, not sure, I mean, I got a ton of new books and all of them fun~
And then on the 15th I decided to visit Library #1! Also time to visit as I had read (or sadly DNF-ed) the books I had at home. I could REALLY use some new books. Thankfully, the weather was nice, a bit colder than yesterday but the forecasted rain stayed away! I had 4 reservations waiting for me at this library, yes, these days I reserve books if I really want them. I don’t why I didn’t do so before, then again, thinking about it, I can remember them maybe costing money? Not sure and that information is long gone from the website. But 4 reservations meant I had 11 books room and I was eager to get 11 books so I had a good TBR to read again. Given how my health has been lately + how my DNF spree has been, I need some more books in my life. I am really blessed that I kept finding books to the point that I was wondering if I had to go and buy more room (you can add unlimited books to your subscription it just costs 1 euro per book and you can loan them for less time, but that is no issue as I visit this library every 2 weeks). But in the end I stuck with my 15 books. I am SO hyped about all of these. First of all, of course my reservations (top 3 books + Happy Place) but also the others I found, like Sensation Island sounds just perfect, reality show x gruesome stuff happening, yes! Or one of the very cute picture books at the bottom!
All in all, this girl got books to read! dances
Stats: Library #4 = 12 books and Library #1 is 15 books, so 27 books! Whoop!
NOTE: Photo 1 is Library #4 and Photo 2 is Library #1
Pardalita by Joana Estrela
Maak de wereld beter by Robert Vuijsje
Het honden team: De speurneus by Clara Vulliamy
Buitenluchtleven: Langs de Waddenzee by Petra de Hamer
Hongerig papier by Roderick Leeuwenhart
Aandacht, aandacht! Iedereen op sprookjesjacht! by Sylvie Misslin, Amandine Piu
Elsje: De gezonken jurk en andere geheime missies by Gerben Valkema, Eric Hercules
Magische metamorfosen by Constanze Guhr
Het grote boek van onze moestuin by Blanca Millán
Suzie bloost by Sue Rinaldi
De magische wereld van draken by Cécile Roumiguière
Wanderlust Scandinavië by Gestalten
Bijna niets gebeurt toevallig by Tamar Bot, Fanny van de Reijt
Cadeautje voor mezelf uit de boekhandel by Maartje Swillen
Deze autist ging naar Japan by Bianca Toeps
Ik mis je van dichtbij het meest by Iris le Rütte
Dromen van volle zalen by Cornald Maas
Kleine Sherlock: Een spook op de kermis? by Pascal Prévot
In de schijnwerpers by Mandy Pijl
Happy Place by Emily Henry
Sensation Island by Thysia Huisman
Maar de leeuw was er niet by Stefan Boomen, Federica Appel
Dag en nacht by Lela Nargi, Xuan Le
Klaar voor de show? by Ellen DeLange, Janneke Kelderman
Hier komt de brandweer! by R.W. Alley
Een toren van tijgers by Lizette de Koning, Gareth Lucas
Logboek Slauerhoff by J.J. Slauerhoff
2 thoughts on “Library Haul ~ 14 + 15-3-2024 (Library #1 + #4)”
Wow awesome haul Mehsi! I love Emily Henry!
I hope you are having a relaxing weekend and have a wonderful week of reading!🌷☕🌞📚💜
Thank you, Susan!
And my weekend was, for most, OK, except for the last bit on Sunday. As for the reading, thank you! So far it is going great~ 🥰📚🌟✨🥰📚🌟✨