Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag 2024 Edition
Afternoon all!
A very happy welcome to a new Book Tag! Today I am doing the Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag! A big thank you to Booksare42 for tagging me! I was already looking for a fun book tag to do and this one looked so fun + a great way to see how I am doing this year so far. Can you imagine we are already a quarter in the year? WHAT?
This tag was created by Roisin’s Reading on BookTube.
I am tagging: The Strawberry Post , ForBooksSake, and of course everyone else who wants to be part~
And just like Booksare42 I will be adding a clean list of the questions at the bottom of my post~
Let’s get started, whoo!
Quite a few. I don’t share my numbers. You can see my Goodreads because I do keep track (for blogging/reviewing purposes). But that is it. I would love to share it, but people will have opinions, and I am just not in the mood.
Have you found a book that you think might be a 2024 favourite?
Oh yes. I have 9 five star plus books already! I think if I had to pick one of them for now it would be this one *points to the cover down this paragraph*. I just LOVE Adam Ellis his work, he writes some absolutely creepy stuff and in this one several I already read + some new ones are bundled together and it was A RIDE. So yeah, this one is really one that may just make the cut for top book. But the year is still fresh. We are just 4 months in. There are 8 months and I got some books on my TBR that may just bump it off from top book!
Any least favourite book of the year?
Let’s see. My 1 starred books. Well, that is easy! I just got one book that is one star! And that is this one! It was such a weird/strange book that just didn’t make sense to me at all.
Most read genre?
Well, thanks to this book tag I updated my Storygraph again, haha. They have all the fancy stats that are at times very handy to use! Let’s see, my most read genre would be romance, then fantasy, then LGBT (is that a genre?) or contemporary. Or well, actually it is Manga, Romance, Children’s, but Manga and Children’s/MG aren’t really genres to me. I am surprised at the fantasy being so high in the list, haha. Romance and contemporary/lgbt makes sense! I do love myself some romance!
A book that surprised me?
More like a whole series! This manga, I had expected it to be horror given the tags, but going by the covers I expected more feelgood moments of friendship, happiness. More slice of life with maybe a bit of teehee murder. And less gore, OMG who is the culprit, OMG everyone is freaking SUS even the guy who is going to be murdered, OMG did a person just fall of the roof???? It just threw me so out of a loop and surprised me. I cannot wait to read the last volume of this one and see how it all ends. SOOOOOON!!
A book that has come out in 2024 that I haven’t yet read?
Haha, do you have a moment? I got many releases that I haven’t read yet. Since most of them are English books I need to buy them as there is only a small chance that libraries here will add them. Mostly only the more popular stuff will get added. And with Amazon (or bol.com if they have the books) prices being as they are? EH. Like my Top 1 book in the upcoming Top 3 that I am sharing is currently 28.78 for a hardcover. Book #3 is 20 euro for a paperback. And yesterday I was in luck with a book which was around 18 euro for a hardcover but the before price was 42 (yes you read that right) euro. *flips table* English books used to be so nicely priced, especially considered to Dutch books. But Dutch books I can at least get at the library so while I found the prices ridiculous I still had an option to get those books.
I will share a Top 3 books that are OUT already and that I hope to buy soon. And a Top 3 books Dutch that I hope the library gets ASAP (sometimes it takes a bit of time).
One goal you made that you’re succeeding at?
I didn’t really set goals in regards to reading, other than just read what the heck I want to read and not care what people think about my reading. Read those picture books, read at my own speed. Not always easy when you are constantly slammed on social media how reading picture books/graphic novels/anything that isn’t literature is bad, or how if you read a lot you have no life. Ah, social media, a blessing and a curse.
And a blogging goal that is slightly failing, but in other parts working out, do it easier with blogging. While it is not entirely working out… I am taking care in the evenings. If I am too tired, no evening post. Most of those I write late in the afternoon/evening, and often I would just do them even if I had a busy day. But these days I am easier about it. I already had x posts no need to do an evening one if I am tired.
One goal that you need to focus on?
The whole blogging take it easier thing. Haha. Again, I am doing the evenings easier now, but the plan was to take it easier also during the day. However, well, my blog is already all full for April and May is filling up fast!
How many books have you read so far?
Have you found a book that you think might be a 2024 favourite?
Any least favourite book of the year?
Most read genre?
A book that surprised me?
A book that has come out in 2024 that I haven’t yet read?
One goal you made that you’re succeeding at?
One goal that you need to focus on?
3 thoughts on “Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag 2024 Edition”
Great tag and answers. 🙂 I’m attracted to that Horrorland book cover, even though I don’t speak dutch, lol. Ignore those that say picture books and such isn’t proper reading, etc, they are just jealous of your lovely blog, your popularity on social media and how much you manage to read. 🙂
Thank you! 🥰 Well, good news, that book (and others in the label) are all originally English. Kluitman (Dutch publisher) has added them to the Horrorland label to unite them. Here is the book in English: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59806096-speak-for-me Aww, thank you so much, that cheers me up and I should really remember them, but it is so hard when a wall of negativity is constantly thrown at you.