Review for Human Body: A 3x Magnified Anatomical Adventure

Review for Human Body: A 3x Magnified Anatomical Adventure

Human Body A 3× Magnified Anatomical Adventure by Isabel Thomas and Damien Weighill, human skating on a skateboard while us seeing her bones, anatomy, science, children's booksI received this book from Edelweiss in exchange of an honest review.

A book about anatomy combined with search and find x items/y situations? Sign me up!

In this delightful book we explore the body! We start with some basic things to find in each picture (which I gave up on finding, see why in the later paragraph) and then we start our journey! From the nose to the mouth to the bones to reproduction systems we dive in deep and we explore almost every bit and bob! And with that exploring there is a lot of learning! Each new part gets a two page spread either from left to right or top bottom if something is extra large. With an introduction on what the part is all about, a small bit of extra information, and then on the side or on the bottom several things happening in the picture highlighted with extra information. I really enjoyed the way the information was brought and it was never boring. I even learned a couple of new things, some fun and other definitely disgusting, haha.

I loved how it all came together in the end + got some bonus information on the various doctors that exist.

However, while I loved the book at many points, this just DIDN’T work as an ecopy. The text was all sharp even when you, inevitably because the copy is just small, zoom in, but the images? They were pretty blurry and it wasn’t the easiest to find things or see clearly what everyone was doing. And for a book all about search and find stuff and situations you need to make sure that EVERY copy even EBOOKS need to be clear. I do hope that in the official release the ebooks also have good images.

And it is a shame that the images were so blurry because I really liked the style and how many details there were. There is never a boring part in these body parts. Yes, things were not that sharp, but you can still see some things. From humans being blown out of the nose through snot to a scientist in a robot to small little drones doing scans.

So yes, while I didn’t have as much fun with the search and find parts, I did like the book, so I would recommend it.

Star rating, 4 stars

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