Review for The Skull

Review for The Skull

The Skull Jon Klassen, girl hiding behind tree holding a skull, picture book, children's books, folklore, fantasyAn exciting children’s book about a girl and a skull and their unlikely friendship.

This was one of the books from 2023 I really REALLY needed to read. I just LOVE Jon Klassen’s work, his art, his stories, and so this was high on the list. I am so happy I could finally read it!

In this book, split into 5 parts, we meet a little girl named Otilla who has run away from home. We don’t exactly find out why, but given the finally part I would say that life wasn’t the best for her in the town/with her family. I was eager to see how her journey would go through the forest and when she would meet the skull! Well, that happens quite soon, she stumbles upon a gorgeous mansion, a mansion that has a voice calling for her. I can just tell you that I may have been curious if I was Otilla, but I would probably have run away instead, haha. I am sorry. Disembodied voices that know your name? Red flag for me. But I am happy that Otilla dared to go and also accepted the offer of the skull. And seriously? I just wanted to step into the story at this point and see the mansion myself. I am happy with the GORGEOUS illustrations by Jon Klassen but I just wanted to actually be there.

I loved seeing Otilla and the Skull get closer with each new room, each new thing. It was really sweet. Yes, maybe a bit weird, but I will take weird. I was just happy that both found someone. Otilla clearly hasn’t had the easiest time, and well, a skull rolling through a big house + being alone and oh yes, a skeleton is also around? Also not really had the best record with happiness.

And things were already a bit spooky for me (something just felt off throughout the book so I was on my guard), but when the skeleton popped and stalked our duo? That was terrifying. I was just hoping that Otilla had made a fantastic plan or had some idea how to stop the skeleton because that is one determined skeleton. I guess, I can somehow understand the skeleton though, all he wants is a head, um skull.
What happens next with the skeleton? BOY, I did NOT expect that one. That is pretty drastic. I was like, wait, wait, do you need to get more information? You are just going to do that? WHUTTTT?

The ending was a sweet one though. It made me smile!

The illustrations were, once again and as expected, totally awesome and I so love them.

I would also recommend reading the author’s note + the interviews online, Jon Klassen tells how he came upon this story and changed it bit by bit, especially the ending. I really loved finding out what the original ending entailed and I have to say, yes, this ending is much better!

I would highly recommend this spooky/haunting, but also pretty/awesome story to all!

Star rating, 4.5 stars

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