Review for Where He Can’t Find You

Review for Where He Can’t Find You

Where He Can't Find You by Darcy Coates, hand with strings on it, horror, young adult, scary, monsters““She knew when sundown arrived each day, to the minute. Each day, she ran the new calculations: adding and subtracting seconds as the seasons waxed and waned.””

The newest book by Darcy Coates and this time no ghosts but murders and monsters. But is the monster really human? Or is it something more horrific, a monster that may or may not be defeatable.

The first chapter? A-FREAKING-PLUS. Holy, that was terrifying. And that is just the beginning.

Welcome to Doubtful (awesome name). A town in the middle of nowhere. A town with rules. Don’t walk alone. Don’t leave your windows or doors open at night. And others. We quickly see that this town isn’t right. That something is wrong. That something is dangerous and death is everywhere. Houses are empty. Cars are just left where they are. And we quickly find out what. In this town there walks a creature (is it a man or a monster) named The Stitcher. He will grab people and use their bodyparts and make something new with the left-overs. YUP. YUP. People just disappear. Some are found in days. Others never seen again. Or at least not whole. shivers Darcy Coates sets the scene and throughout the book the horror is just palpable. I was just terrified out of my wits, haha. And things will get scarier with each page. Each new turn. Each new development. Things really heat up when Hope, Abby’s sister goes missing. Then things go from 130 km to 200 km.

And I just loved that there are signs when The Stitcher is active and going around. Things start rotting. Cellphones and technology stopped working. People act strange and weird. Bad things start to happen around the place. Whispers. Deer and animals with tumours. And more. That just made everything scary.


I loved how the book moved through the POVs of the friendgroup (oh and Jen who is the new girl in town). I loved seeing how each one of them thought about the situation, about what they were planning, and also see how affected each one is. Because some have lost more than others. Like our MC already lost her dad to the Stitcher, and well, her mom I guess given how her mom is absolutely terrifying as heck. Then is the guy she likes, Rhys who has lost SO much (and as the story continues we learn of what happened which just had me in tears). Each of the characters is well developed and I like them. Well, OK, not Jen at first. Abby at times is a bit obsessed with things, but then again, wouldn’t anyone when they lose their sibling/family member? I could forgive it, though at times I just wished she had thought a bit more before going into it.

There is also a dash of romance between Rhys and Abby, plus one of Abby’s friend is crushing on a girl. I didn’t mind the romance. If anything it gave a bit of light in the darkness. And I guess it upped the stakes, will everyone survive? Will they get a happy ending?

I liked the fact that there was a discussion on what The Stitcher is. Is it human? Is it not? As the book continues we see what side it goes to, which I already expected, but still had me noping, haha. The human people thought was The Stitcher is a seriously messed up guy, avoid, avoid, and bye. I loved learning more on what The Stitcher is and get some details on the past of the town and what happened so many years ago. Yes. Years. The Stitcher has been around for a long time. Lots of people just died.

Oh, and for a lot of the book I was terrified for The Stitcher, but I have to say I was even more terrified of Abby’s mom. HOLY CRAP. I wouldn’t have stuck around. NOPE. There were some scenes that had me almost screaming out loud, haha. Like the one time she was just casually lurking in the dark on a wardrobe? I almost yeeted my book. Thanks again for the nightmares Darcy Coates. XD

The last part of the book along with the ending? OH HECK YES. That was a terrifying rollercoaster of fear and NO THANK YOU. I mean claustrophobic mines filled with darkness and someone or something that is hunting you and who knows all the ways in this complicated tunnelsystem? HECK NO. I was just on the edge of my seat and thanks Darcy Coates, I also missed some sleep, haha. The ending was just epic, but I have read a few too many horror to be happy with what happens. I guess given what we learn things are OK, but I truly wonder. Mmm. That is all I will say.

I loved the bits with the comics interspersed in the book. I just have one complaint. I need more of it. It was just way too epic and it added so much to the whole spooky well fuckity bye bye atmosphere.

Jen, I get that she was new and have trust issues. But if someone told me about creepy shit happening and I could even see things myself along with getting the feeling something is off? I would be way more open to things. I would understand her more if things were just calm/normal and everyone acted happy. But there are so many hints, so many dead give-aways, and all she does is act haughty and mean. Even when they tell her about the threads. Even when the dead behind her house are stacking up. I just wanted her to open her eyes sooner. Especially since she was one of the POVs in the book. I was just looking forward to everyone else instead. She did get better later on and near the end I was liking her quite a bit, but that definitely took a long while.

All in all, this is one book by Darcy Coates that needs to be on everyone’s stack. It is a terrifying tale and it will haunt your dreams for a while. Be prepared!

Star rating, 5 stars

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