Review for Zombie 100 – Bucket List of the Dead, Vol.12

The next volume and the last time we left with Akira and Shizuka falling off the boat in all the chaos and landing on a deserted island! I was so excited to see how this one would continue and if this would be the chance for the two to get together and FINALLY maybe see those feelings. Especially Shizuka who just kept denying she was attracted/liked Akira could use a deserted island with Akira for a moment. It was quite funny how she was planning everything and he was just thinking about having a good time and checking things from the bucket list. XD I could definitely understand both sides, I mean, a moment of relaxation is nice, but yeah, you also need to get things ready or you will starve. I loved seeing Shizuka realise why she was so frustrated and see the lightbulb finally go on. Haha. I loved what happens during the evening times and was also a tad frustrated with it. Yes, you will have to read what happens. I am not going to tell you all. Haha. I especially loved Shizuka’s reaction to Akira later on. Oh girl. And I was already wondering when the zombies would come around, well, we didn’t need to wait long before chaos ensues!
I am also excited that the plans for the vaccine are really kicking off. We get to read a diary that Shizuka and Akira find on the deserted island (a secret base, oh my) + we get to see the POV of the doctor who was making vaccines in Japan when the zombie apocalypse got real scary. Plus, we meet a key character that will be someone very important. I wasn’t always a fan of her given her attitude, but given what she went through I can forgive her.
I loved that everyone got back together again. I don’t see this as a spoiler. You know that these friends are not separated long and that they will make new friends along the way. It was fun to see them make plans, do some bucket list things, and go for it! Things got quite exciting along the way!
BUT THAT ENDING. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I was just this close to YEETING something to the wall. I won’t spoil anything, but dang THIS JUST MADE ME PISSED. It felt a bit too much set in motion for certain events and after everything I just wasn’t happy with it.
I NEED Volume 13, it should be out, so I will be getting it VERY SOON. I need to know how this one will continue and what is next for our gang.