Top 10 Books May 2024

Top 10 Books May 2024

Hey everyone!

May 2024 top books

Welcome all to a shiny new Top 10 Books post! This time I am sharing my 10 favourites of May 2024~

Life updates first: This month was a rollercoaster. Some good stuff happening, like tons of gardening, a day of shopping, my dad’s birthday which I was a bit stressed out for because family but in the end it was really fun and I was happy to see everyone again and make my dad smile, I got a new baby hammie named Mokka (will share pictures of him soon, he is still shy so I don’t have many photographs yet), yesterday we visited a pet event from Vitakraft and Coco (and my hubby and I) had a wonderful time seeing demos for fun sports + we found some fun snacks and stuff that we had meant to get but didn’t want to buy online. And there were more events that made me smile. Including some fun library visits filled with tons of books! Oh, and I got some new hobbies, or well, new, most I tried once in my life, but my ADHD saw something shinier and we lost sight of it. Haha. I cannot wait to make bracelets and such again + get to do some fun stuff with acrylic markers!
Coco is also doing fine. Still a bit raptor-ish, but we are seeing some progress. Like with the Vitakraft event? She was the perfect little angel, with just a few small bits, but for most she listened and she acted perfectly. We got some new toys for her during the event and it was such a hoot to see her chase a cat toy with sounds that we got from the event’s goodie bag. XD
But yeah on the flipside, my dad’s health is going up and down, sometimes he doesn’t seem to recognise me/confuses me with someone else which is really really shitty (I just don’t know another word), at times he has all these wild ideas that don’t match with reality (for instance he think there is trouble between me and my hubby or that we are losing our home which are both wrong and I try to tell him). Having to chat with my mom at times doesn’t help because she either doesn’t answer stuff or she dodges questions or acts weird. Not to mention I am not sure what she told the mentor (she is refusing to give up her role as main caretaker and let me handle it so soon we will have a mentor who will do stuff, Sighs) but the mail I got from him was 1) not polite (we have two different ways to talk to peeps, formal: u/uw and informal: jij/jou/jouw and he decided to speak to me in jij/jou which is just no because of the situation/I don’t know him/etc.) and 2) the mail had ZERO information and the sentences felt like written for someone kiddy aged. I have mailed him back, also asking for information, and today (after almost a week) I only received a message that he will keep things in mind and that was it. So yeah, another person who is just like my mom. WHOO. throws a chair into space I am already NOT looking forward to that fuckery. throws more furniture in space

Reading-wise a very good month, I had a lot of fun reading, and yes, there were still some library DNF, but less, or at least it feels less. I also read some fun ARCs this month, so yay! I also started re-reading Dragon Ball manga series, I got them all in Dutch and its been a while since I last read them~

This month I had three 5+ starred books and 17 (well 18 if I counted that re-read) 5 starred books. WOW WOW WOW!! dances

Disclaimer: The order of this list is random. The 5+ stars (if I have any) will always be on top, but that is the only non-randomness about the list.

Wow in the World What in the WOW 2 250 MORE Bonkerballs Facts by Mindy Thomas, Guy Raz, Orange/Yellow cover with Mindy and Guy on it along with animals rollercoasters and other things
Feral #1 by Tony Fleecs, scared cat touching blood
Geniet ervan hè by Lieneke Post-de Vree, Woman looking haggard and someone bending over her baby carriage telling her to enjoy the moment
Cat + Gamer, Volume 1 by Wataru Nadatani, Cute black/white cat on the cover
Summer Vamp by Violet Chan Karim, girl in the middle of a campfire looking very scared
The Wandering Hour by Zack Loran Clark, Nick Eliopulos, Three kids trapped in an hourglass with red sand
De koning en niets by Olivier Tallec, Red cover with a king sitting in a chair
The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine, Vol. 1 by Grrr, Irinbi, Girl with pink hair staring at the reader holding a book
Strangeville School Is Definitely Not Cursed by Darcy Miller, Brett Helquist, Three kids in a school hallway trying to get away from Kraken
Detective Beans and the Case of the Missing Hat by Li Chen, Cat looking through a looking glass holding an ice cream

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