Review: Divya Far From Home
I received this book from Netgalley/the publisher in exchange of an honest review.
When I saw the cover up on Netgalley I was sold, such a cute illustration style! And then I read the blurb and I was sold even further. I do love a good story about someone moving to another country and see how they adjust.
In this one we meet Divya. A 9-year old girl who has always lived in Delhi. She has friends, family, yummy food, and more there, but then one day her parents announce that they are moving to the US. Their family there needs them and it is time to pack up and help out. While I have never been in this situation I could definitely understand that Divya was NOT happy. Would you be if your parents told you to pack up some of your favourite things and you have to leave not just your home but your country? I was definitely agreeing with Divya and so I could also forgive her attitude in the beginning of the book. Again a whole new country and instead of having one room for herself she has to share. And the house is also full with people. I love that, as the story continued and the days went by, she started to get more happy where she was now. She saw fun things being near her that weren’t so near to her when in Delhi. I loved that she made friends, that she got closer to her family (which includes her older cousin who really became more of a sister), and I loved how she just kept trying. Yes, you can see that it wasn’t always easy, especially when that project came along, but she had so much love and support around her. Divya was such a fun character. I love her love for food. I love seeing her make lists of everything and write down her ideas in a notebook she always had with her.
The family and the food? I just loved those. Seeing how everyone in the family tried to be there for Divya. Try to make her feel more at home. Help her out when she needed it the most. I just love the bond, and boy, I wish I had a family like this!
The illustrations were just so cute and fun, and I love their style. They were so colourful.
All in all, I would recommend this delightful book to everyone! Family, food, lists, friendship, getting used to a new place, cute illustrations, and more. This book has it all. Read it!