Six for Sunday ~ 7-7-2024: ‘Sun’ in the Title
Evening all!
A happy welcome to a new Six for Sunday! Today I am sharing 6 books with sun in the title.
And BOY I could use some more sun in my life at this point. It is not really summer here, we had some warm days and I was like YES, finally summer, but now we are back to rain, cold, rain, sticky warmth, cold, rain, storm. XD Like summer has an identity crisis. So I am hoping by sharing some fun books with Sun in the title that maybe the weather will get the hint. Give me SUMMER! Give me SUN! I need my vitamin Sun!
Oh, and as always, I would recommend these books on this list~ Well, I still need to read Saving the Sun, but it sounds adorable and cute.
The Six for Sunday is normally made by Steph from Alittlebutalot. Each week features a new theme in which bloggers have to find 6 books/characters/other things. But since she hasn’t been adding new prompts these prompts are from Chonky Books (check her blog out here) who decided to make her own! So happy that SfS is still going strong~




