Review for Murray the Viking

Review for Murray the Viking

Murray and Bun #1 Murray the Viking by Adam StowerA laugh-out-loud book about a magical cat door and a kitty who unwillingly goes on a lot of magical adventures!

I already had my eyes on this one since I saw it in Dutch at a local bookstore! Imagine my delight finding the book at the library a bit later! I read this one in Dutch but decided to write my review in English so more people would know about this hilarious, delightful, fun, silly graphic novel (or at least mostly it is graphic novel).

Meet Murray. A cat who loves food (he has top x for a lot of things, from fish to sweets). He just likes to snooze. Likes to chill. Likes to have a calm day. But his master is a wizard, and not one who is the best at things and so Murray ends up with a hyper friend who used to be a cake (yes really) and is called Bun. And that isn’t even the biggest thing, oh no. One day the wizard accidentally magicked Murray’s cat door and now the door may lead out to the garden and a lovely sunspot orrrrr it may lead to adventures. Murray is always hoping for the sunspot by the way. He won’t be in luck in this book though, in this one he has to escape his kitchen (magic accidents ahoy) and finds himself in Viking time. With his little sticky buddy they are commissioned by the Vikings to find their friend, oh yes, and if they could just tackle some trolls along the way? I had such a big belly laugh when they entered this era and to see what their quest was. I mean, you got one little cake friend and a cat who wants to nap or eat, it is not the best combo to rock and rumble with some trolls!

I was very curious on how the story would continue and I can tell you, it was a lot of fun and there are so many fun twists along the way! Because Murray does meet the trolls, but are they really that bad? And what is that awful smell that is lurking around the woods? There was never a dull moment, only just 100% fun ones, and I just flew right through the book, I just couldn’t stop reading. I just had to know how this adventure would end, if Murray would find the person he needs to find (and in Dutch his name is so on point with what this person likes that it made me laugh when I found out). Plus, would he be able to get back home? And what did Murray make at the smithy?

I loved the illustrations, there is one section that consists of several pages of just a long long boat, and while I was worried it would go on a bit too long in the end it was perfect and it made me laugh.

I also liked finding out more about Murray’s family, because his family is apparently full with fantastical cats!

All in all, this is one adventure I would highly recommend to everyone. It will make you laugh so hard!

Star rating, 4.5 stars

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