Six for Sunday ~ 22-9-2024: Birthday (6 Favourites of my Husband)
Welcome all to a new shiny Six for Sunday! Another topic of my own!
So last week was my hubby’s birthday (hooray hooray), but we had a full and busy day/week so I didn’t have time to do this one then, so here we are! A topic of my own, named Birthday, which could be anything from party books to books about celebrations to colourful books, but I am doing something special. I am sharing 6 books that my hubby absolutely loved! He is a big fan of fantasy and sci-fi. Loves reading about epic space stuff and flaming dragons and epic quests. I love surprising him with a new book or a series and seeing him fall in love with them. It has really become a thing for me to discover a new book or find new books by authors he loves and give it to him, either just randomly throughout the year or during his birthday or Christmas. I love seeing him dive into the book and just forget about things, haha, he is just like me in that regards.
Oh, and I guess I will pick up Six for Sunday since the Chonky Book site is still down. If I find some time next week I will prepare some fun prompts for October/November/December. Look forward to them! If you have any fun suggestions be sure to send me a mail or make a comment below~
So here are a few of my hubby’s favourite books! Do you have any fun fantasy/dragons or sci-fi stories for him that you would recommend?




