Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 22-9-2024
Welcome welcome to a new shiny sparkly Sunday’s TBR Updates! Happy Sunday~
This week was a bit stressful with Coco’s operation upcoming on Friday, on Monday I popped back to the vet to get some painkillers because she was clearly not feeling well. Even with those she still was not a happy doggo. We have a dog stroller and once a day we would take her along on a long walk and bring her to a new spot to sniff around and do her thing before popping her back in the stroller, she absolutely loved that. The operation on Friday went… ((which went fine, even if it was a bit longer than planned as they had to remove some more bone).). So phew. For now she is wearing a cone + she has to take it easy.
Other than that big event, I visited my dad and he was having a good time in a special music chair (which looks a bit like an egg and has lights and music comes out of the sides). His wound on his forehead is healing well, and he was quite happy. He really lit up when he saw me, which just makes me smile. You know, at times his hallucinations are a bit scary, like when he sees people that aren’t there, but this time he saw some horses, one was yellow/red/pink/yellow (and some other colours, he was specific about that). That just made me smile and I kinda wish I could see them as well.
I also visited library #1 and #2, I baked some yummy things, we had a small belated bday party for my hubby, my hubby and I visited a zoo (we both could use some relaxation) nearby that we got a subscription with, and other than that I just tried to relax, chill, and read some books. Oh, and watch some more of Louisa & Rowan: De Italiaanse Bruiloft which is a lot of fun so far.
Reading-wise, well, pretty OK week. I read some fun manga, read books from my stack, I am quite happy with my reading, though I really have to stay away from my growing stack of Spooktober reads, haha. They are calling me and I have to tell them there is still 8-9 days before I can start them.
What did I read from my TBR? Delfts Grauw (interesting, but a bit rushed/open-ended), Opklapbed (weird but I couldn’t stop reading it either), Komt een kat bij de dierendokter (oh a lot of fun, some stories sad and others made me laugh), Zoete Zusjes zijn de baas (made my eyes roll at times, but still fun to read), Uitweg (at times a bit confusing, sometimes frustrating, but in overall a good read).
Here is a new stack! With new library books, a new owned book. I am excited to read these.
A big big thank you all for reading my post, and let me know in the comments what you think of my stack + what your reading plans are this upcoming week~ Have a fantastic week everyone!!
2 thoughts on “Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 22-9-2024”
Have a wonderful and stress free week Mehsi! Enjoy what ever you decide to read from that beautiful pile!!🍂☕📚💜
Thank you, Susan! So far I am enjoying my books! I hope you are also enjoying your books this week! 💖😍🥰