Review: Hunter x Hunter, Vol.1 + Vol.2
A fun action-filled but also plenty of humour manga that I am excited to finally be reading!
I am so excited that my library is adding this series to their catalogue, because I have always wanted to read this series. I did read bits and bobs of it in the Shounen Jump English magazine, but never the full series. So I am 100% ready to finally read this one.
In these first two volumes we meet the main character, Gon, who is your typical shounen hero. Overpowered, not always too smart, a bit childish. But he did show plenty of promise and so I was eager to get to know him more. I love that, despite at times being a bit dumb, he has some amazing skills. Like being able to detect storms, not being afraid, kind to friends (and foes), helping out where he can. Even during some harrowing moments he is there to help his new friends/allies, like coming back to assist them even if that means a test going wrong. I am so excited to see how much he will grow as the story continues, he will definitely be one of the greatest hunters, I am sure of it.
Next to him we also meet plenty of other characters, the three biggest are Leorio who is an idiot a bit smug slightly annoying but also interesting to follow, then there is Kurapika who is strong and wants to become a hunter to take vengeance for his clan and get something back from the evil group, I really liked him and I am definitely curious to learn more about his clan and his family and what kind of talents/powers they have, and then we also meet Killua a boy with a skateboard and I am very curious about him as we don’t learn a lot about him except that he is possibly superstrong.
There are also the examinators who vary from WTF to OK what is up with this guy??? I really like the variety of examinators and love that none of them are normal, haha, I guess it takes a special breed to become a hunter and later examinator. So far my favourite is the old guy, aka one of the big bosses.
And then there are the other competitors, most of them we don’t really get to meet closely, that is what happens when there are tests after all. But two keep on popping up. Tonka, who is just a dick, I am sorry, but he is. And Hisoka who just a freaking psycho and I am NOT a fan of him so far. Dang that guy is a creep extra-ordinaire. LORD. But then again every shounen needs an antagonist. I guess Hisoka is going to be the big one.
These first two volumes are all about the exams/tests to become a hunter! And I have to say, I will not want to become a hunter, haha. I mean, it wouldn’t be too bad if you just fell out and then come back another year, but a lot of the peeps just die. In gruesome ways. But I did like reading about these tests and see what is next with each phase. The least favourite was the gourmet one, that just bored me, but I did like the one before that, and I am also looking forward to the one we are having now, with the tower, the prisoners, and more.
The art is pretty nice, I feel that it could be better, but the style does fit with the story and how action-packed it is.
All in all, I hope that by the time this review pops up in October (my blog is a bit full), I have been able to read some more volumes. I would recommend these two volumes to everyone. It was so good and I flew through them!