Spooktober is here, Halloween is coming – Book TBR 2024
Hi hi all! BOO!
A very spooky welcome to Spooktober’s first post, hello to my Spooktober TBR! Fulllll of spookiness!~
Finally, YES, I can read these books. I have been holding myself in so much. Whereas my mood in tv has been reality shows, my mood for books has been eyeing those spooky books ever since I started collecting them a few months back. I fell into the spooky trap a couple of times, but for most I was able to stick to not touching them. WHOO!
I got some fabulous books both on my physical stack and on my Kindle/ebook stack and I am hyped. Which one I will be reading first? Mm, well, not sure yet, haha, I am thinking about Dress to Kill for, that would be a fun starter. I will add books to these stacks as I find new books. For instance, I am planning on getting the new Zombie 100 manga + new Shadow House when I get the chance in October. Plus, I also got a couple of books on the way that will come in sometime in October! Excited! And who knows what kind of books I will find at my libraries? Or maybe a fun sale online?
EDIT on November 1st: As you can see I had a FANTASTIC reading month with spooky books. I read a total of 76 Halloween/spooky/magical books this month. does a happy dance
DNF: Under the Surface, Why Didn’t You Just Leave, Golden Hills Haunting, Monster Movie (though that was because the format didn’t work which was online only).
Not in the mood: Thirteen ways to Kill Lulabell Rock, Mermaids Never Drown, Murder Most Cold, Toll House
Still left to read: Our Wicked Histories, Hannah Edwards, 8114.
1-11: Murder on a Summer Break (★★★★1/2 stars), It Found Us (★★★★1/2 stars), Hollow (★★★★ stars), The Loud House Spooky Special (★1/2 stars), Mary Anne’s Bad Luck Mystery GN (★★★1/2 stars), Whisper of the Woods (★★★ stars), Monster High: New Scaremester #1 (★★★★ stars), Monster High: Halloween Special (★★★★★ stars).
29-10: Wij zijn de nacht (★★★★★ stars), Ghost Camera (★★★★★ stars), Goblin (★★★★ stars), Goblin #2: The Wolf and the Well (★★★★ stars), Ura Baito #9 (★★★1/2 stars), Ura Baito #10 (★★★★ stars), Ura Baito #11 (★★★★ stars), Ura Baito #12 (★★★★ stars), Ura Baito #13 (★★★★ stars), Most Haunted Castles (★★★★1/2 stars), This Monster Wants to Eat Me #1 (★★★1/2 stars)
26-10: A Haunted Road Atlas Next Stop (★★★★★ stars), Teddy (★★★★ stars), Endroll Back #2 (★★★★ stars), Bad Grains (★★★★ stars), Rest Stop (★★★★ stars), The Witches Marriage #3 (★★★★★+ stars), De Schreeuw van Westerdam (★★★ stars), De dief die niemand zag (★★★★ stars), Gakko Gurashi Kai Anthology (★★★★ stars), Bijou Amanda (★★ stars)
22-10: Feral, Vol.1 (★★★★★ stars), The Witches Marriage #1 and #2 (★★★★★+ stars), Uit de diepte (★★ stars), Travels of Terror (★★★★★ stars), Rago Gets a Pet Dragon (★★★★ stars)
19-10: The Super Sunny Murder Club (★★★1/2 stars), Corpse Party Cemetery0 #1 (★★★1/2 stars) + #2 (★★★1/2 stars), Ikitemasu ka Honda #3 (★★★ stars), BL of the Dead (★★★★ stars), The Weirn Books #2 (★★★★★ stars), How to Survive as a Maid in a Horror Game (★★★ stars), The Illustrated Guide to Monster Girls #1 (★★★ stars), Harem Royale #1 (★★★1/2 stars), Harem Royale #2 (★★★1/2 stars), Harem Royale #3 (★★★★ stars), Harem Royale #4 (★★★★ stars), Krypto: Ingevroren (★★ stars)
15-10: More Tales to Keep You Up at Night (★★★★1/2 stars), Tonari no Jii-san #1 (★★★★ stars), Super Ball Girls #1 (★★★ stars), Last Seen Online (★★★★★+ stars), How to Survive as a Maid in a Horror Game #2 (★★★1/2 stars), How to Survive as a Maid in a Horror Game #1 (★★★ stars), Murder Road (★★★★1/2 stars), Strange Little Ghouls (★★★★★+ stars), Eowulf (★★1/2 stars).
9-10: A Thief in the Night (4.5 stars), The Lost Treasure (4 stars), Seasonal Spice & Everything Nice ★★★1/2 stars), Endroll Back, Vol.1 (★★★★ stars), The Sleepover (★★★★1/2 stars), Fine Print #2 (★★★★ stars), The Scariest Campfire Story You’ve Ever Heard (★★★★ stars), The Doll’s House (★★★1/2 stars), The Haunted Blizzard (★★★★ stars), Jill and the Killers (★★★ stars), Futsuu to Bakemono (★★★ stars), There’s a Ghost Behind the Gyaru, Vol.1 (★★★★ stars), It Watches in the Dark (★★★1/2 stars), Cadaver Bone (★★★★1/2 stars)
5-10: Mutant Zombies Cursed my School Trip (★★★★1/2 stars), Through the Woods (re-read/★★★★★+ stars), A Sticky Situation (★★★★1/2 stars), The Scent of Danger (★★★★★ stars), Meschugge: the Madman’s Maze (★★ stars), A Dress to Kill For (★★★★ stars), Parasocial (★★★★1/2 stars), Three Panel Horror (★★★★★+ stars)