Top 5 Tuesday: 1-10-2024: Top 5 horror/thriller tropes that scare the wits out of me

Top 5 Tuesday: 1-10-2024: Top 5 horror/thriller tropes that scare the wits out of me

A very spooooooky evening to all~

Top 5 Tuesday, cute, flowers, stars, books

Welcome all to a new Top 5 Tuesday!

Officially this is a don’t scare you topic from October 2021, and while I loved that idea and could think of a few things, I thought, why not just flip it around. What tropes scare the living daylights out of me! That one was super duper easy, haha. I got quite a few tropes that always scare the wits out of me. And finding GIFs to add some bonus content, well, I am not sleeping tonight. Oh well, sleep is overrated? RIGHT?
Spongebob, Bed, NOPE, GIF

But despite the terrifying GIFs at times, I had fun writing this one! And I am superduper excited that Spooktober has finally started! Did you see my TBR post? And on the 3rd of October I will be sharing a post with what I would love to watch this Spooktober! Oh, and of course there is more spooky content!

What are your favourite tropes/what tropes scare the wits out of you? Let me know down below in the comments~


Top 5 Tuesday was created by Shanah at Bionic Book Worm, and it is my absolute privilege and pleasure to say that it is now being hosted here, at Meeghan reads!! Each week there is a new theme and you need to find 5 books that fit the theme in one way or another! From TBRs to finding items on covers to books with themes, there are all sorts of fun prompts~

1. Fast zombies (and also with that smart zombies). I mean, slow zombies are already a fucking nightmare, but at least you know that you can mostly just run fast enough or hide well enough and get away. However, with fast zombies? Godspeed to you, good luck, and also goodbye. Unless you are a marathon sprinter, meeting one of these zombies will fuck you over. And then there is the smart zombie. Zombies are not fun, yes, but mostly it takes them a lot of mass (more zombies) to get into a room. But I have recently read a zombie book in which there were zombies that were still human enough… and thus knew how to open doors. Knew how windows worked. That is terrifying. Imagine thinking you are safe, and suddenly there is a zombie in the room. NOPE.

2. Murderous clowns. OK, correct that to all clowns. Haha. This girl is NOT a fan of clowns. OK, I do like Bassie (from Bassie & Adriaan) and Pipo. But other than that? HECK no. If I see a clown I will backpedal so fast I will be home before I know it. And if I find normal clowns scary, well, then I find murderous/zombie/vampire/bloody/serial killer clowns even worse. That brings in all the freaking nightmares. *shivers* Clowns are just a freaking NOPE.

3. Mental asylums. GOSH. It is my favourite setting in a book, but it is also the one that terrifies me the most. Well, after Zombies. And clowns. Hence this being on spot #3. But Mental Asylums? And all that brings with it? Sometimes ghosts. Sometimes something more vile and evil and horrible? I have read some terrifying asylum books. Some taking place in asylums that look pretty decent even after being abandoned for gosh know how long. Which is terrifying on its own, why is it in such good condition??? But then there are the ones that are abandoned, falling apart, dark nooks and crannies, weird moss stuff everywhere, spiders, and all that stuff. *shivers* Not for me. Though somewhere in me, probably my ADHD seeking for a thrill, wants to visit one. 🎃😂

4. Don’t Go in There. You know the one. Someone finds a mysterious room/hole/basement/cellar/attic/cranny/ventilation shaft or why not a whole ass house, and decides to go in. Not with anything good like survival stuff. Though then again, torches seem to magically die in these places, candles seem to just snuff out, but still. Be prepared. Well, OK, better yet, DON’T GO IN THERE! I have seen people crawl into fireplaces, dark nooks, and just disappear. It is generally a bad bad idea, and I am always terrified of what they might find… or what will find them.

5. Can I pick three things? I say yes, these are all worthy of place 5. Let’s see, starting with dolls. I don’t like dolls in general… but if they move, do scary shit, try to murder you, and all that jazz? BURN IT. BYE. BURN the house as well for good measure. Oh, and thanks to a book last year I can add puppets to the list as well. Whoo. Then there is the cute child doing something scary. Like standing at the end of a hallway suddenly. Or singing nursery rhymes (on that note, nursery rhymes are often scary *looks at many horror movies and also Dreadwood*). And then lastly, you are in the water… and something suddenly grabs you. WELL, nope. Bye.
The Shining, Twins, GIFannabell, conjuring

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