Review: Hungry Heart, Vol.1
I received this graphic novel from the publisher/Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.
I picked this one up from Netgalley because of the cover, it was just so swoony! Sadly, I struggled a bit through the book.
Yes, I had many YAS moments, but at times it was just TOO MUCH. Too many topics and it felt very crammed in, some worked out, sometimes it was just much and I had a hard time reading. Plus, I wish I had known about the issues with food because that is a big trigger for me and that made it difficult to continue at times and a couple of times I just wanted to DNF this book. So yeah, I would have liked less of that and more romance/food. Oh, and I was so HYPED to see a bi character, but Oryan was pan in the end. Which is OK, but I just want more Bi peeps!
What I did like: The art! It was cute and sweet and I love the character designs, especially Oryan! Oh, and I love Laurie’s friends/friend group, they were such fun, big points to Pepper, and I loved that orange-haired guy whose name I already forgot (oops).
Seeing Oryan and Laurie get closer and closer and discover their feelings for the other was just so adorable and cute and I was shipping them like mad. Oh, and I was telling them to finally kiss, much to the hilarity of my hubby who was next to me while I was reading this one, haha. They really make such a sweet couple and I hope that it will work out, because both have their issues to work through, but I am sure with enough talking, maybe finding some help outside will make things go better. Crossing fingers!
Oh, and I loved that we didn’t just get to see things from Laurie’s side, but also Oryan. We see how both characters try to make it through life. Laurie with his food/body problems and his jobs, Oryan with what he would rather be doing, cooking? modelling? talk shows?, we see that he is struggling with what to do next. It doesn’t help that the internet is brutal and has many an opinion about him.
All in all, I may read the next volume, or maybe I will just wait until the series is done and just check out the ending, haha. I need to know if these two are sticking together!