Book Tag: Holiday Drinks

Book Tag: Holiday Drinks

Merry hellos to everyone~

Kiniro Mosaic, Karen, Christmas, Santa, Bell, Stars, GIF

Welcome all to a new Book Tag! Today I am doing the Holiday Drinks Book Tag~

I was tagged by the wonderful Sifa Elizabeth (see her blog/answers here), thank you Sifa! I was already looking around for a holiday-themed book tag to do, I wasn’t in the mood to do a lot like last year, just too tired/too much going on this year, but I did want to do at least one! And so here we are! With some hot drinks perfect for this cold season brrrr. OK, well, not into Eggnog, but I would do for a Peppermint Mocha, Hot Chocolate, and the Gingerbread Latte sounds delightful as well. YUM!

I had fun thinking what books would fit the prompt, some books came to me easily, others I had to think about a bit more.

Shall we get started? I am not tagging anyone, but if you do this one be sure to let me know, I want to see what everyone’s answers are to these fun questions~


Hot Chocolate

Marshmallows and chocolate and whipped cream, oh my!
Prompt: recommend a book that’s sweet through and through

My Kitten is a Picky Eater Vol. 1 by Migiri Miki, A guy and his cute little black kitten

I am going with a recent read of mine! It is all about a guy who picks up a little kitten from the streets and see him and the kitty bond and him trying to figure out how to feed the little thing. It is so cute and sweet and lovely.

Peppermint Mocha

The flavour of peppermint is strong and distinct
Prompt: Recommend a book with a lot of strong emotions

Lord of the Flies The Graphic Novel by AimΓ©e de Jongh, Little boy holding a spear and walking in the forest/jungle

This one! Everyone who has read the original know how much emotions there are in this one. A group of boys in an airplane crash stuck on an island and things are getting more and more hectic, desperate, and more.

Apple Cider

It’s so good, it can’t be good for you, but it’s from apples β€” that means it’s healthy, right?
Prompt: Recommend a book full of characters with questionable morals

Horror Collector, Vol. 1: The Faceless Kid by Midori Sato, Yon, Boy holding a book with a spell symbol

Wow. This one wasn’t easy. But in the end something clicked in my mind and I am going with this one! The MC is pretty questionable given that he at times really doesn’t care about kids getting a bad ending, in the latest volume he just went away when a kid decided to go after the big bad. Not to mention, there is the MC’s sister who is the villain of the book. Later on we also get a guy with a blue umbrella who is fan of the sister. And then there are also kids from the stories who have some questionable morals and some get their come-uppance.

I guess now that I think about it, Hell Girl would also be a great fit for this one! Or one of the Harley Quinn graphic novels I read. Haha. Now that I know one suddenly all the books pop in my mind. Thanks ADHD!


It’s creamy and smooth with a little spice, and some people even add alcohol to it
Prompt: Recommend a book that’s mostly fun with just a hint of danger

Monster Hunting for Beginners by Ian Mark, Louis Ghibault, Green cover featuring the characters walking over a very spiky tail and having fun

This whole series is all humour but with a hint of danger! It is about a little boy who becomes a monster hunter (though the monsters cannot be killed, they have to get the monsters to become good) and there are dragons, monsters, sharp pointy things, angry tiny monsters, and more, but it is all combined with tons of humour that will have you giggling and laughing.

Gingerbread Latte

A drink with a veritable explosion of spices
Prompt: Recommend a book with a lot of action

Chainsaw Man, Vol. 1 (γƒγ‚§γƒ³γ‚½γƒΌγƒžγƒ³ [Chensō Man] #1) by Tatsuki Fujimoto, Gore, Action, Demons, Devils, Fights, Manga,

This whole series is full of action, gore, more action, and kick-ass stuff happening. Devils, contracts with devils, demons, and more. The battles are epic. OK, sure, the series went very weird around halfway, but it was definitely a ride. If you want action, this is it.


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