Review: Les Normaux, Vol.1

Review: Les Normaux, Vol.1

Les Normaux by Janine Jansen, S. Al Sabado, Two boys looking romantically in each others eyes with in the background ParisA gorgeous graphic novel about love (boy meets vampire and kisses vampire and so a story begins), finding a place to belong, and more!

I read this book in Dutch, but I just had to write an English review. For my English followers you can read the book on WebToon, but I would highly recommend you all just pre-order the hardcover of the book which is to be released by Bloomsbury Publishing February 13th. Believe me when I say you need this book in your life.

🥰 Love the book smell. Not sure if the English one has the same, but GOODNESS the Dutch edition has a wonderful smell. Sorry. I just had to mention that, because it was so good. Haha.
🥰 The cover was what drew me in, followed by how gorgeous the whole book looked.
🥰 Now to the inside of it all, the artwork was stunning! I love the style and I love the characters and how they were drawn. But also their expressions.
🥰 Getting not one POV but multiple. The biggest two are of course Sébastien and Elia. But we also meet friends of Elia, like the amazing Ronnie who is just the cutest!
🥰 I love the diversity in this book. Not just of course with the various supernatural beings or humans who can do magic, but also in LGBT! From trans to Bi to Lesbian. I love it when a book world is so diverse and everyone is living their lives to the fullest.
🥰 Sébastien was such a wonderful character, we see that he hasn’t had the easiest of times because his parents. It is the main reason why he ran away from home to magical Paris (yes, there is a supernatural Paris next to normal Paris which is just LOVE). We see that he struggles with being magical but also with being gay. And now also with the fact he kissed a wonderful guy… who turns out to be his neighbour, haha. I found myself rooting for Sébastien many times throughout the book and hoping that he would find happiness and peace. And less stress thanks to his horrible parents. I liked that at one point we got some more backstory, and boy, those parents.
🥰 Elia! My favourite! I loved seeing him figure things out in regards to modelling, taking over what his parents do, and what he himself wants to do. He was such a sweet character, and I am so happy that we got to see his POV and see his feelings on the fact that the cute human he kissed is now his neighbour. I loved how he kept trying to find ways to meet Sébastien and get his phone number. Plus, I loved seeing him with his friends, Ronnie, Pam, Tiponi! This group had such a fun dynamic!
🥰 I love seeing both of the guys figure out the Insta/social media of the other and see how they react to pictures on there. 😏
🥰 The side characters! Like Sébastien uncle and aunt, or his bunny (who wasn’t always too happy with new people), his new friends from uni, or again Elia’s friendgroup! There were so many fabulous characters in this world and I love every bit of it!
🥰 I love the little character introduction cards which mentioned everything from name to nationality to orientation~
🥰 Drew x Ronnie! OMG, I love that the authors added this one. I am just shipping these two like mad. They have such a cute chemistry and I am hoping that Ronnie will ditch her only one date stuff and just try a few more dates.

Well, I could talk on forever and forever! But I would just recommend you all to read the book/WebToon (if you really cannot wait, haha). As for me? I need more! I am desperate for a second volume!

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