Blog Tour ~ Better Than Sex by Kit Erikson ~ Excerpt || Teaser

Blog Tour ~ Better Than Sex by Kit Erikson ~ Excerpt || Teaser

Afternoon all!

Better Than Sex by Kit Erikson banner featuring a halfnaked guy

A very happy welcome to the Blog Tour for Better Than Sex by Kit Erikson! I just adore the sound of this book! What if you have a fuck list but feelings come along as well?

For today’s post I got an excerpt, and book/author information.

Let’s get started! WHOO!

Better Than Sex by Kit Erikson featuring a half-naked guy with a cityscape behind himEventually, even sex gods fall in love.
Spencer’s thirtieth birthday is right around the corner, and he wants to say goodbye to his twenties with a bang. Literally.
As a self-proclaimed sex god, Spencer has sworn off love and dedicated himself to finishing his F***-it List – a collection of wild fantasies he’s checked off one by one. Now, only one fantasy remains: rock a virgin’s world with a night of unforgettable sex.
Shy, sweet Mickey seems like the perfect candidate, but he’ll need a major confidence boost before he’s ready to go all the way. Hoping for a chance to be Mickey’s first, Spencer makes him an offer he can’t refuse – he’ll transform Mickey into San Francisco’s next sex god.
Mickey, who’s always felt out of step with the gay scene, jumps at the chance to reinvent himself. It isn’t long, though, before styling tips and flirting lessons give way to stolen glances and heart-to-heart conversations, and what started as a playful makeover begins to look a lot like falling in love.
For Spencer, feelings were never part of the plan. But as Mickey blossoms into a self-assured man and their connection deepens, Spencer is forced to ask himself: is Mickey just another checkmark on his list, or could he be the man who finally makes Spencer believe in love?

Buy here:GetBook

Better Than Sex by Kit Erikson teaser

About the author:

Kit Erikson logoAlthough Kit’s been writing stories since he was a teenager, it wasn’t until 2020 that he stumbled upon the world of M/M romance. Obsessed with the love story between David and Patrick on Schitt’s Creek, he longed to experience more stories about relatable men in healthy, loving, same-sex relationships. Imagine his delight when he discovered that M/M romance is a thriving niche!
Kit loves crafting sexy, funny, and heart-warming stories about men that feel like they could be your best friends (or boyfriends).
He’s a tailor by trade – and yes, someday he will write a romance about a tailor – and lives in Portland, Oregon. When he’s not reading or writing, he’s watching scary movies, putting together miniature kits, or listening to episodes of The Why Files on YouTube while he sews.

Find her here:     


This excerpt from Better Than Sex is the moment when Spencer and Mickey first cross paths, thanks to a stuffed tiger named Mister Stripes.
(P.S. Mickey is not married. He’s a nanny for the young boy. The woman he’s with is his best friend, Jazz.)
“Look on the bright side, man,” Xander said, patting Spencer’s chest. “You may be turning thirty, but at least you aren’t married and stuck with kids.”
Spencer pretended to shudder. “Don’t even joke about that, dude.” He returned his attention to the young couple. The woman had her hair pulled back into a ponytail and was wearing a lilac-colored blouse. She was attractive enough, but her boyfriend had obviously given up a long time ago. He was dressed in a T-shirt that was at least two sizes too big and cargo shorts with bulging pockets that covered his knees. Typical dad. No longer dressing for the ladies. Poor guy probably hadn’t gotten laid in months.
The man’s children, who still possessed the capacity for joy, launched into a spirited game of patty-cake. Their hands moved faster and faster until the game devolved into a blur of flailing limbs. The boy’s elbow bumped into a stuffed tiger that had been propped up in the wagon behind him, sending the doll tumbling to the sidewalk. Neither of the children took notice of the tiger’s abrupt departure.
Spencer knew how this story ended. The happy little family would continue on their way, blissfully unaware of the Chernobyl-level meltdown waiting for them at their destination when the kid realized his stuffed animal was gone.
“Hey, wait up!” He jogged toward the couple, scooping up the doll on the way. “You in the blue shirt! Wait!”
The guy stopped and looked around in obvious confusion, finally focusing on Spencer. “Are you talking to me?”
Spencer walked a few steps closer. Momentarily at a loss for words, he simply nodded. Despite the guy’s disheveled hair and untrimmed beard, he was unexpectedly attractive. Spencer was transfixed by the man’s eyes. They were fascinating, a color Spencer had never seen before – amber, almost gold – and perfectly framed by long lashes and bold expressive eyebrows.
Honey. His eyes are the color of honey.
The man’s lips curved into a diffident smile. “Hi.”
“Hi.” A pleasant warmth pooled in Spencer’s belly. “I…would you…?” Would you like to go someplace private and fool around?
Jesus Christ, pump the brakes. He’s a straight guy. With kids.
An adorable crimson flush warmed the other man’s cheeks. “Yeah?” When Spencer didn’t immediately answer, he bit his bottom lip and averted his gaze.

This Blog Tour was organized by:
Gay Romance Reviews, Book Tours, Book Promo, Banner

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