Library Haul ~ 11-1-2025 (Library #3)

Library Haul ~ 11-1-2025 (Library #3)


A very excited and happy welcome to a new Library #3 haul!! It was time again (seriously, where did those 3 weeks go???) and I was hyped to get some fresh book babies!

Well, I had fun walking through the library and check out all the new books! They had quite a few of them lying around, so I was very excited! Plus, I had one book that I started reading on the online library but that just didn’t work (it felt like I just never got anywhere) and this library was the only one that had it on their shelves. Now I can finally read it further and see how it goes.

And I really need to get back into the Dewey system. This library is the only one from my libraries that still uses it, the rest uses icons/categories instead of that, so I have kinda lost what number is what in the system, so I was a bit lost while searching for stuff, haha. But I want to get back into it because this library has an amazing collection of non-fiction and I want to check out some of my favourites categories and find new books. I found some great books about trains + gardens~ Yes, I read all over the place, haha.

I cannot wait to start reading~ Definitely want to start with Sigmund first, and then the Japanese garden book as it look pretty or well the inside, the outside clearly showed the age.

STATS: 12 books. 3 graphic novels, 6 non-fiction, 3 fiction.

Pictures, Emoji, Cute

Book List, Emoji, Cute
To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods by Molly X. Chang
Het koraal in nood by Linda Chapman
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin
Liefs uit China by Tirza Kingma
Sigmund #33 by Peter de Wit
Kansberekening by Pascal Rabate
Vampire State Building by Ange
Pioniers in Keramiek by Esther van der Hoorn
Metro Oostlijn Amsterdam by J. Van Erp E.a. M. Van Bremen
Tsuboniwa by Mizuno Katsuhiko
Langs het spoor by Kees van de Meerne
Tricia Guild by Tricia Guild

3 thoughts on “Library Haul ~ 11-1-2025 (Library #3)

  1. that’s an awesome haul! i normally only checkout 3-4 books at a time because i know i wont get to them all 😅 but i do borrow a ton of e & audiobooks from my library as well!

    1. Thank you, Laur! Haha, I also don’t always read all my books, I just like having a nice selection given how my mood sometimes switches. Great to hear that your library has a ton of ebooks, mine is sadly a bit lacking in that field, it often takes quite some time before newer books get on the app. Plus, they don’t really have a lot of English books.

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